Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Beach Popsicles, Surprising Food Combinations, and Summer Prep

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! A message from Lacey – My son keeps asking me if it’s summer yet. Spring is my favorite season, but for some reason this year, I understand his desire for long summer days and the fun that can go along with it. Probably because I feel like the rain is never-ending here. I’m sure I will be annoyed with sweating so much in just a few short weeks. I will be daydreaming of beach popsicles until then. Anyway, let’s jump into our…
Getting Ready for Summer: Your Prep Guide

Summer can be filled with more activities having you dash here, there and everywhere. Preparing a few steps ahead of time will help get the summer ball rolling smoothly. Prep Your Summer Bags Firstly, brain storm your summer go-bag. Think of your go to activities such as: pool, park, biking. Then make up a list […]