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About Us

A movement to bolster support and joy ripples in the world.​

Our Mission is

to provide a safe and supportive space where you can show up as your authentic self, no matter where you are on your journey. We believe in empowering you with the tools and guidance to navigate tough times, without ever telling you what to do or how to be. Through our movement of joy, we aim to create a ripple effect that spreads from one person to the next, inspiring a sense of connection and positivity.

How We Do It

We take a multi-channel approach to make an impact.



Podcasts, videos, blogs, and more. We produce media to support the movement.



The Joyful Support Village creates a safe and friendly space on the internet.



Teaching you how to engage in joyful support and living with ease.


Creating Joy Ripples

Cultivating joy, holding space to share our stories, and strategies to live with ease will help create joy ripples in the world.

Founders and Origin

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Sara Kelly


Sara runs Your Aligned Home as a Home Management Consultant. Translation- let’s get your home running smoother so you have time for the things you love! Her combination of optimizing systems, a compassionate ear, and the desire to help others led her to this work. Although she helps with all things inside the home, any free time is spent outside the home. She usually has dirt under her nails and a hat on her head ready to be outdoors. Don’t ask this gal for perfection, that is not her jam. She is in it to spark joy one home at a time and let the goodness ripple from there!

Lacey Tomlinson


Lacey is a pretty average 30-something lady from the mid-west with two amazing kids and an awesome husband. Her love of learning and school led her to have 2 masters degrees (that mostly only she cares about) and has worked in education, learning, and development. Outside of her day to day work, Lacey started to write, exploring the concept of the middle – whether that is the middle of life, stages, problems, or rankings. She also started going through some life changing health struggles around the same time, which pushed her to have the courage to share her middles and invite others to do the same.

The Start of A Movement

Once upon a time, there were two remarkable individuals named Lacey and Sara. Destiny brought them together, and their encounter was nothing short of magical.

Lacey was embarking on a challenging journey, navigating the complexities of a chronic illness that threatened to upend her world. Meanwhile, Sara found herself on the brink of burnout, pouring her heart and soul into a business that demanded everything from her.

Seeking guidance and a deeper understanding of their unique selves, Lacey and Sara enrolled in a Human Design course. Little did they know that this decision would change their lives forever. As fate would have it, the universe had grand plans for them.

Pooling their strengths and becoming business accountability buddies, Lacey and Sara discovered a profound connection. They supported each other through the mundane and frustrating aspects of being solo entrepreneurs, and a beautiful synergy began to unfold. Their individual work naturally intertwined, centered around a common purpose: helping others navigate the toughest parts of life.

Stay Up To Date on The Movement

Lacey shared her stories, touching hearts and souls with her vulnerability and courage. Meanwhile, Sara offered practical day-to-day steps to manage the challenges of running a home. Together, their collaboration overflowed with boundless joy.

In the depths of their hearts, Lacey and Sara knew there was something greater at play. Something that embodied support and radiated pure joy. And so, the Joyful Support Movement was born. With Lacey’s creative instincts and Sara’s exceptional planning skills, the vision effortlessly flowed into reality.

Life can be undeniably tough. Lacey and Sara have personally experienced the hardships it can bring. They believe that no one should face these challenges alone. While they cannot make the hardships disappear, they firmly believe that by standing together, the burdens can be shared and made lighter.

Join them on the remarkable journey of the Joyful Support Movement, where helping others and spreading joy are the guiding principles. Together, let’s make a difference and bring a little more light into the world.