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Share with Yourself Friends Family The Village

Craft your story and get it out. You've got lots of ways to do this - here are some of our ideas.

Keep in mind:

You are the author of your story

Crafting your story will help make sense of it and move forward.

Your story may help someone else feel seen, and you may feel seen in someone else’s story.

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Share your Story Anonymously

Joyful Support Village Members can share stories anonymously to be posted in the Story Group. While the story will be anonymous, there will be data collected for us to be able to track it if there is something concerning or dangerous in the story. Only the highest level of moderators will be able to access that data and it will be protected. 

Oh No! This area is reserved for a role that you don't have. Head back to the Offerings Page to see what options you have to join.