Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Fiction, Musk Oxen, and Bears

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! This week we are embracing and exploring the joy of fiction. There is something so fun about getting lost in another world can be so magical and full of joy. So to jump of this week we want to know: How do you consume the most fiction? Books TV Movies Other (if you choose this please respond with what it is so I can keep track!) Joy Happenings This week on the blog, Lacey makes the case for having the joy of a beach read all…

Joy of Beach Reads

woman lying on beach reading book

Summertime is filled with many clichés, but one of my favorites is the concept of a Beach Read. A beach read is a book you read purely for fun and joy. It’s a book designed for reading quickly during long stretches of time.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret –

I only read beach reads.

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