Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Teacher’s Pets, School Memories, and Stress Tips

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! Some schools have already started and there are plenty that are still weeks out. Whether you have kids heading back to school (or going for the first time like Lacey’s son) or not, we can enjoy our own memories of the new start. Let’s jump in! Joy Happenings Going back to school can bring up a lot of different feelings, and they can all exist together. For Sara, that first day in elementary was full of nervous anticipation with…
Tackle Back-to-School Stress: 5 Steps For A Smooth Transition

New beginnings can be fun, exciting and can bring on feelings of stress and overwhelm. Both can be true at the same time. Back to school is no exception. This article will break down some foundational tools to help you move forward with a plan to lean into the fun feelings and minimize the stressful […]