Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Cheese Dreams, Power Outages, and the Art of Hospitality

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! Welcome to October! This month offers plenty of opportunities for both spooky fun and warm connection. Whether you’re planning a Halloween bash, hosting a football watch party, or preparing for upcoming holiday gatherings, the spirit of hospitality is in the air. This week, we’re focusing on the art of hospitality and hosting. We’ll explore everything from preparing yourself to be a gracious host to receiving hospitality with…
Guest Prepping Your Home (with as Little Stress as Possible)

I often hear people say, “I want to have people over more often, but my home isn’t up to hosting.” Two truths here: If you’re desiring to have your home ready for a get-together, here are some small, actionable steps to serve as a roadmap to get you there. 1. Define Which Areas Will Be […]