Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Cozy Sounds, Living Easy, & Home Truths

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! The winter chill is settling in here, and as we enter the last month of the year, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can make our lives easier (instead of harder!) in the coming year. Between the cozy sounds of wood stoves and the gentle reminder that the holiday season is upon us, there’s so much to share with you this week. Joy Happenings This week on the blog, I (Lacey) get real deep and personal about my relationship…
Embracing Easy: Learning to make life easy

I’ve had a complicated relationship with the word “lazy” my whole life. It became a word I used to beat myself up with. I often equated lazy with easy. This has led to a complex relationship with productivity, input, output, appearances, and life’s “shoulds.” It might not paint me in the best light, so…prepare to […]