Why did I wait 33 years to buy a shower chair?

woman under showerhead
This woman and I have nothing in common. Photo by Hannah Xu on Unsplash

Now I know that there are some people who love a shower. They are always like, showering, all the time to relax, I guess. I have never been that person a shower is some thing that I have to do for myself, and the good of people around me. I took the fastest shower possible to get what I needed to get done, and move on with my life.

It’s important to note that right now, as you are annoyingly aware of probably, I am having a bit of a health crisis. Part of this includes passing out rather unexpectedly. Heat and standing for periods of time makes it more likely for me to pass out, so you can see why taking a shower could be very intimidating at this point.

Journey to Acceptance

I don’t know if I would say I’m lucky or saddened that I am not the first person in my family to go through this. My big sister had a similar reckoning (it’s fun trying to find names for what is going on) a few years ago, so I called and I asked did you buy a shower chair? She confirmed this, warned me she had passed out in hers (seriously this thing is a riot), and I decided to dive in.

I don’t know what your relationship with shower chairs are, but I can firmly say that I did not associate them with a typical 33-year-old. For some reason when I searched for it on Amazon as I do for everything, I had to exit my search immediately. The different options looked so clinical and some thing I would see a elderly person use. What the hell is my 33 self doing looking for these?

I also have been lucky to have been following KC Davis and her Struggle Care Tik Tok account. KC has changed my life in several ways because she has helped me put less pressure on myself when it comes to care tasks around my home. In one of her examples of making sure that you are building your life to function, she talked about using a shower chair to make showers more accessible for those who struggle. This made the light bulb go off in my head, at some point I have to accept that I am struggling.

So I impulsively got myself a chair on Amazon, to be delivered with the rest of what I’m calling my sick lady starter kit (compression socks, compression armbands, and electrolyte drinks). And as I’ve said many times, my husband is wonderful, and he put the shower chair together for me, and placed it in the shower.

Life changing magic

I don’t want to tell you how long it was in the shower before I used it, but let’s just say enough that I could see it multiple times when I went to the bathroom and it stared back at me like a nemesis. My husband would come home and say hey have you tried the shower chair out yet? No, I had not. Then one night I had no choice, it was time, I had to use the shower chair.

I also need to be clear that I needed my husband’s help, but I successfully showered and did most of it by myself. Yes, the shower chair functioned as I needed it to – but you guys, I freaking loved it.

I mean, why have I waited this whole time to get a shower chair? I can sit and let the lovely warm water flow over me and not have to be standing. Now, I realize I have things like brain fog right now that may make this sound crazy, but I am now a shower chair advocate. I don’t care if you’re 99 or 19, get yourself a shower chair because it’s delightful.

I wish I could say the rest of my week was as delightfully surprising as my shower chair experience. Alas, it hasn’t been. There’s some scary things going on, but ultimately, I know I will be OK. They are not life-threatening and I have so much love and support.

Life Lesson

Look for the exciting moments when you’re in the middle of a shit storm. You may discover a secret to happiness you can take beyond your problem, like me and my shower chair.

For fun I decided to sign up for Amazon Affiliates because if I am going to hype my shower chair, I’m going to get paid 🙂



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