Solidly Mid-Thirties Now

I turn 34 this week. After consulting Google, I confirmed that I am not to middle age yet. Apparently, that generally starts around after 35, closer to 40. So this will be about being in my mid-thirties, but not middle age. It seemed fitting to reflect on aging and the middle. Maybe I have some […]

Women Who Made Me

March is Women’s History Month, and it also happens to be my birthday month. My birthday is the day after International Women’s Day. I like to joke that we celebrate all women, and then all of that good will and energy created me. I started my podcast in December, and there were several women who […]

Time is on my Mind

Our relationships with time are complicated. Thinking about my own relationship has become a necessity and something I can’t escape.

Is Self-Care Important?

Spoiler Alert: Yes, Self-Care is Important. I almost hate talking and writing about Self-Care because of how it has been turned into a gimmick. It has become a quick note of something that you should do to survive a difficult phase, or something an employer tells its employees to do without giving them the actual […]

Why The Mddl

All the marketing courses and gurus want me to really solidify my why so that I can ground all of my marketing content to serve that mission. I have written little snippets here and there, but I sat down to write something for myself and realized, why don’t I write it for everyone! If you […]

I am too excited about Air Fryers 2 years too late

My parents got me an air fryer as an early birthday present (because I asked, they’re the best). I’ve thought about getting an air fryer for a long time but always talked myself out of it. Friends, I was wrong. I finally pulled the trigger because of the accessibility of it. Being able to quickly […]

Middle of the Day Nap

Yes, I am shamelessly using a puppy napping because that is the tone of this essay.

Support From The Mddl is Out!

Support From The Mddl Cover

I wrote a (work)book and I am so proud of it! Learn more about Support From The Mddl and get yours today! Let Me Tell You More The Journey of Support From The Mddl Reviews Here is what people are saying about Support From The Mddl. She distills the self exploratory journey of self help […]

Digging Deeper on 100 Things That Make Me Happy

Lacey Smiling

With the downer that has been my past few week’s posts, and in honor of Support from The Mddl releasing this week, I thought I would look deeper at one of my exercises in it. A few years ago, my sweet friend Zac challenged me to make a list of 100 things that Make Me […]

Support Joy

Creat a Joy Ripple

Give to the Joyful Support Movement to move the mission forward and spread more joy.