HOLD – Hearing Out Life Drama

two women sitting on ground near bonfire

HOLD professional listeners are here when: You are overwhelmed and need someone to talk to When people you know are too close to the problem or worse, ARE the problem You are afraid of being judged for what you need to say A professional listener is someone who listens to you without judgment, bias, or […]

Dear House

yellow concrete house

I cried for the first time about leaving this house this weekend. Looking at the rooms, seeing them emptier, it hit me. It isn’t our home anymore. Yes, we still own it and will be listing it this week for new owners, but as our belongings decrease, I realize that the home we knew is […]

On the Precipice of Change

I am a person who gets excited by change. Maybe it is the fact that it offers new possibilities or I just seem to be blessed with a positive outlook. Being on the precipice of change is a different story. I want to be able to take action, talk about what is happening openly, and […]

Grief is Weird

Fabric falling off a tent post

It has been a few months since my grandmother passed away and I am still experiencing serious grief. I keep thinking about the quote from Wandavision (how silly is it that I’m quoting a Marvel TV show in a very personal writing): “But What Is Grief If Not Love Persevering?” Wandavision In these months of […]

Failing Out Loud and… Proud?

Broken lightbulb and megaphone

It’s not new to hear me talk about the parts of myself that I am learning to embrace through my Human Design. I have talked extensively about what it means to be a manifestor and how this has changed my approach to work, life, and coping with my chronic illness. But another aspect of my […]

Good Beginnings and Happy Endings… and an Okay Middle?

okay checkmark with pencil checking it off

Over the past few weeks, I have been catching up on the AppleTV+ show Schmigadoon. As a musical lover, I enjoyed the first season, and the second season comes in with a similar concept, parodying musicals from the 70s and 80s such as Chicago, Sweeney Todd, and Jesus Christ Superstar. If you’re into musicals, I […]

Who Gets our Empathy?

Publicly sharing about your health can be challenging. There are a host of issues and problems that can come with it. In the past week, I witnessed what I considered a lack of empathy for someone being truthful and an excess of empathy for someone who was lying. It started me thinking about who we […]

Creation Fixation

Woman with Messy Bun with lines over head.

When I first started The Mddl and created its content, it consumed me. I ate, drank, and breathed it. But now, I don’t want to do that anymore. I still love The Mddl and all that it has done and become for me. It has shifted for me. I look at it like my job […]

Threads: Joyful, Chaotic Community Building in Action

I want to write about what is on my mind – and today that is Instagram’s new app Threads. I am an early adopter of technology. Last night Instagram (well Meta) released Threads, a social media app to fill the void that Twitter’s awful new policies are creating. Basically it takes your Instagram, you import […]


I use Notion to organize pretty much everything in my life – I am a huge fan and I think you should be too.

Support Joy

Creat a Joy Ripple

Give to the Joyful Support Movement to move the mission forward and spread more joy.