Howdy friends! I want to take a quick moment to check in with you during the whirlwind of my life right now. I plan on coming back better than ever in just a few weeks.

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Welcome to sharing the middle we're recovering perfectionist overachievers, and anyone in the middle of a struggle come together to learn, to embrace the messy middles of life. I'm Lacey, your friend in the middle and guide whose claim to fame this week is getting our house on the market. Well, This is coming out on Wednesday and the house is going, then we're going on Thursday. But it's happening. And, someone's going to buy this beautiful, amazing house and I'm Sad, but also excited for the next chapter in our lives. This is going to be the mini esta mini episodes. Because I wasn't going to do an episode. And then I thought, well, Joe goes and gets the kids. I'll just talk for a minute. I feel so uninteresting right now because my whole life is centered around. Moving. So getting our house. On the market. We'll get our keys to our new house on Monday. And then moving and painting and all of these things. So that is literally all that my. Being can handle. Doing this all with chronic illnesses, a whole nother level. That has made it really easy for me. I literally looked at my mom and said, Nope. This is the best it's going to get. And I think that. That it really has lowered. My expectations in the greatest way possible. And. I think, From me to you, whether you have chronic illness or not. You do what you can do. And then you just move on and that's okay. I wrote a piece this week, and posted it. Called deer house, where I wrote a letter to this house. It means so much to me in my family. Because it was our first house. I think that's something that makes it special. That's where Joe and I. Built our family, before we had. Isaac and Iris, we have Indian Luna here. Our dogs. and it, it was that big step because we actually moved in and bought this house a couple of years before we even got married. so that was, The first real big commitment that we need. And I am so grateful and thankful for this house is a house. Where we became husband and wife, we became pet parents. We came people, parents, we survived a pandemic. managed chronic illness, sadness, joy laughter. It's a really good house. And it has really good vibes and I hope. Whoever comes in next continues that feeling. Another reason why I wanted to talk today is because. As I've said. All along. You know, this. Is an example or I'm trying to be an example or just show. Life as it's happening. Not afterwards. So even though. I think it's probably incredibly boring to listen to. MI talk about cleaning and painting and caulking. Although I have become a caulking clean and I've gotta be very careful as I say it. Because it can sound very different. Those are all the things that I'm thinking about. And it's actually really funny. We had the pictures taken for the house today. And then tomorrow, Wednesday. I've got a doctor's appointment. I've actually had several doctor's appointments. And we'll talk more about that maybe soon. That might, my health journey has picked back up again. As far as doctor's appointments go, but. Tomorrow, taking the day off. I am going to relax. I actually think I'm going to binge love is blind. So who knows, maybe I'll come in with a mini episode. Where I think about my love is blind thoughts. But I'm going to intentionally rest tomorrow. 'cause showings. We'll start. We're going to stay with my parents. We're going to. Be moving out. Do you want all those things? And The day before all that craziness starts. I'm going to rest. And I'm really proud of that. And I know that's not, There's most super exciting news in the world. But I think that's pretty cool. They sat down and I looked at what is coming up and I said, Nope. Instead of trying to cram more into this week. I've been taking that day and I'm going to arrest. I'm being productive with my rest. I'm resting now so that I can. Be who I want to be later. And I, even though with my chronic illness, Which we still don't have an official diagnosis of, with that. Aye. Can confidently, Say I need it, but even if you don't have that, your rest is productive. My friend. You're allowed to rest and that your rest now is an investment in your. Being later. And you now, and you later both deserved that. If you are missing more of my voice, which, I mean, if you are flattered, thank you. I am doing my just on hinge, ticked docks and Instagram Rojas. So you can make sure to give, do them there. I am really excited next Friday, there's going to be a new episode of no shame in the home game with our in-between sessions. If you want to be on the coming season of no shame in the home game. We've got a form on that. Website now that you can sign up. And yeah. That's what's happened in here. I hope. Wherever you are. And whenever you are, whether it's right, when this releases. Or who knows from now. I hope you can take a minute and appreciate. A moment of fast. Because that's where I'm coming from. Once all of this dies down. I am so excited to really pick back up with the middle and no shame in the home game. I really want to run with this idea of. Joyful support. So you'll hear more about that. We thought that being said, that's the episode, that's it. I don't really have anything else to say. And there will be a new episode of Sherry in the middle of next week and an no shame, the home game I've got some work to do apparently. Okay. So maybe I'll do that tomorrow. No, I'm resting tomorrow. I'm going to figure it out, but I'm also going to deliver because that's who I am. Anyway. I hope you have a great day and thank you so much for joining me in the middle.

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