We are back again with another episode of “No Shame in the Home Game”, the podcast that cares about how your home feels, not looks. In this episode, we catch up with participant Alex, who is juggling a lot in her life. She’s pregnant, has three children, two dogs, a part-time job, and is managing her home. We get to hear from Alex the changes she made and the impact on her home. Alex’s small changes may not be seen in her house, but the impact is felt. Which is all we care about!
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Welcome to no shame in the home game the podcast that cares
Lacey:about how your home looks not feels.
Lacey:I'm Lacey your co host who has a lot of feels here with Sarah.
Lacey:our other co host who I'll let you choose who you are today, Sarah.
Sara:today I'm excited because this is two days in a row of me and
Sara:Laci getting to see one another on Zoom, so I'm feeling pretty happy
Lacey:All right.
Sara:Two days of lace.
Lacey:I know we love our chats.
Lacey:Really one of the best parts of our week.
Lacey:we're fresh off of recording with our participant, Alex.
Lacey:We had to switch things around a bit because she's got a lot going on in
Lacey:her life, which is like the theme of Alex's story is there's a lot going on.
Lacey:how do you manage all that?
Lacey:And, What you can do in your home to make that easier.
Lacey:and it was exciting, spoiler alert, to hear a lot of things started
Lacey:really working for Alex differently in ways she didn't expect.
Sara:Yes, I'm, I was overwhelmed with joy at how that whole experience unfolded.
Sara:From where we started to where we ended yesterday, I wouldn't have seen it coming.
Sara:I was along, I'm along for the ride, just like all you listeners.
Sara:I didn't know what was going to happen until we showed up and
Sara:heard what had happened, where she had taken some of my advice.
Sara:it was a rollercoaster for me too.
Sara:It was fun.
Lacey:And I think Alex's story, and we say this in the episode, so
Lacey:maybe I'll edit it out, maybe not.
Lacey:We'll see how it goes.
Lacey:But Alex's story, I think, is the great example of the tagline of this podcast.
Lacey:It's not how your home looks, it's how it feels.
Lacey:Alex's house, I'm gonna tell you, as a person who's been in her
Lacey:house many a times, looks amazing.
Lacey:you know, and we heard her talk about the beginning.
Lacey:It's very important to her.
Lacey:She loves her space.
Lacey:and she also mentioned the beginning, this idea that if it's behind a closed
Lacey:door, she doesn't care about it.
Lacey:And it's.
Lacey:I think you start, we start to hear her care about it, but not how
Lacey:it looks, how behind those closed doors are functioning for her.
Lacey:And I think that's a really big win for her, and for us.
Lacey:she did all the work, but still, and for us.
Lacey:We're gonna own a little bit of that.
Sara:and I was shocked too because Alex is one of the most relaxed
Sara:people I've ever met and met with an asterisk because it's all virtual.
Sara:But so to actually hear these stress points that were bugging her.
Sara:I felt like I in the beginning was just like, Oh, this is we
Sara:don't have any traction here because she's just so content.
Sara:And then it was like, Oh, we really found something that improved the
Sara:quality of her day to day life, which is what we care about here.
Sara:Was just so glad that we were able to make an impact on that little
Sara:thing that made a big difference.
Lacey:It goes back to some of our home CEO tenets of start small.
Lacey:and really it's about a lot of it's about mindset in.
Lacey:Managing your expectations and mindset because, we'll hear from Alex a little
Lacey:bit that she came into it with this idea that like we were, Sarah was going to
Lacey:organize her home and she wasn't sure what her pain points were and all this stuff.
Lacey:And then once she started to see her home and how it flowed, that mindset.
Lacey:Enabled her to do even more than we even suggested.
Lacey:So I think it's really cool.
Sara:and on that whole start small thing, I was, I don't know what to call it.
Sara:It's not home tingles.
Sara:Cause it's not my home.
Sara:It's, I was so excited inside to hear her take what I planted the seed with.
Sara:And then she was building on it on her own.
Sara:And I was like, yes.
Sara:And like you said, it was so small.
Sara:And then she started to see, Oh, if I do this, if I do this, and I was like, yes.
Sara:Oh my gosh.
Sara:Like she caught traction., it's like watching somebody learn how to ride
Sara:a bike when they finally get it.
Lacey:To need to post a video of you all here the moment
Lacey:where we all get very excited.
Lacey:I have to post that visually because she did like her face lit up and she
Lacey:was like, let me tell you about this.
Lacey:It was so funny because She got so excited, and then Sarah got so
Lacey:excited, and I still didn't quite understand what was going on, and
Lacey:I just, it was a great moment.
Sara:I love the purity because that happiness, it's just
Sara:so pure and I just love it.
Sara:So good joy.
Sara:Good home tingles.
Sara:Good everything.
Lacey:Alright, let's jump in, and we will wrap up Alex's story.
Lacey:so your first day back at work again.
Alex:yeah, a part time again.
Alex:They had agreed I could stay on as like a consultant.
Alex:so someone went on mat leave for one of the accounts and they
Alex:asked if I had some availability.
Alex:so I was like, for two months until I have a baby I can help out.
Alex:I'll be doing, like, 20 hours a week for a little bit here.
Lacey:I don't think our listeners know that you're pregnant.
Lacey:I don't think we've talked about
Alex:I'm gonna have a baby.
Alex:So that's creeping up.
Alex:Actually, tomorrow I'm gonna schedule the induction date.
Alex:So I'm excited for that.
Alex:Love a scheduled baby.
Sara:Two months, so
Sara:20 hours a
Sara:where are the girls
Alex:they will be with my mother in law in the afternoon.
Alex:Then Birdie is next, on this next Monday in a week, starts half day daycare,
Alex:preschool, preschool, I don't know.
Alex:Every week something new is happening.
Lacey:on here at all.
Lacey:That's the theme of your story, Alex.
Lacey:I don't know if you figured
Lacey:that out yet.
Sara:I heard from Lacey.
Sara:It's they're going
Sara:on vacation.
Sara:got another dog.
Sara:They have hand,
Sara:foot, and mouth.
Sara:They're it
Sara:just keeps.
Sara:and then now you show up and you're like,
Sara:I'm working part
Sara:It's Whoa.
Alex:And I, my son is also starting a new school on Thursday.
Alex:So This
Alex:week our evenings are just packed
Alex:with, like
Alex:supply drop offs, orientation, teacher before school
Alex:conferences, all things I hate
Alex:so much.
Sara:the things.
Sara:I want to hear, I'm a dog person.
Sara:I want to
Sara:hear about
Sara:the new dog.
Alex:my God.
Alex:I'm obsessed with them.
Alex:Which I'm not an obsessive dog person, Lacey knows this, I've
Alex:had dogs for many moons now, who I usually talk about in a, you know
Alex:what they did today, Jesus Christ,
Lacey:was a very special occasion.
Alex:Coney, our other dog, she's almost 10 now.
Alex:I do love her with All my heart, but
Alex:never let her on furniture.
Alex:She, like I've never moved my life around for her in any way.
Alex:but Lacey knows I've dreamed my whole life of
Alex:a Basset
Alex:And so we did all the research, we found the breeders we liked,
Alex:we picked him out of a big litter.
Alex:So I, now I'm just like a really crazy dog person with this dog.
Lacey:would just randomly show me pictures of a basset hound
Lacey:and be like, look at this.
Lacey:I'm like, Alex, we were talking it was the equivalent of, how I get frustrated with
Lacey:bird people that it was like that, where she was her own basset hound dog person.
Lacey:So when she shared and we can advertise this Bigfoot, the
Lacey:dog has his own Instagram.
Lacey:And so when she shared, I've become that person, he has an Instagram.
Lacey:I said, I think it's great that you have found an outlet for
Lacey:something that you've wanted.
Lacey:In the 10 years I've known you and you are embracing it and loving it
Lacey:and sharing that love with the world.
Alex:I do.
Alex:was so excited that there are other Basset Hound people and
Alex:that we can, I don't know,
Alex:be this
Sara:What's the,
Alex:of human beings
Sara:Bigfoot's IG handle?
Alex:it's Bigfoot the Basset Hound, like Bigfoot underscore the underscore
Alex:and then Basset Hound, one word.
Alex:But I'm not gonna lie,
Alex:I'm not crazy about being active on it.
Alex:I'm busy,
Lacey:Oh, we'll put it in the show notes
Lacey:, Alex, I know you have an update.
Lacey:The last time that we talked to you, it was all about making
Lacey:your life, easier on the go.
Lacey:Sarah sent you some products and that kind of stuff, so bring us up
Lacey:to date on that, how that's been
Alex:Yeah, it took me a minute to get myself even organized
Alex:probably to read through that email.
Alex:I would say it took me like two to three weeks after that
Alex:to really sit down with it.
Alex:and then even after looking through it, it probably took me another like week to
Alex:two to be like, okay, what products do I.
Alex:Want to order off this?
Alex:What do I already have that might just be in the basement that I can
Alex:use without purchasing something new?
Alex:our big focus points where, like you said, the coming and going to the car and what
Alex:could be brought in and out of the car.
Alex:And then, The, like, dining room that tended to house a
Alex:lot of my in transit items.
Alex:So that's where I focused.
Alex:so yeah, I did clean out what, the bottom of the Butler Pantry cabinets,
Alex:got rid of the wire bins, um, camera
Lacey:that conversation, the wire bin?
Lacey:Was that
Alex:looked at
Alex:I was like, so what is, can I move these?
Alex:What is it?
Alex:And he was just like, Oh, I forgot that was
Alex:So that wasn't a hard convo.
Alex:I was like, okay, I'm going to put it just somewhere downstairs to go through it.
Alex:we also had a garage sale in this time, so that was really nice too.
Alex:We purged some things.
Alex:and so I cleaned out that space.
Alex:Now, it took me a minute, though, to figure out what needed to go in there.
Alex:If it was, yeah,
Alex:just diapers, wipes, swimsuit, like,
Alex:I will say that space still isn't super organized, but I have two bins
Alex:in there and then I keep what, is our diaper bag, or our, big backpack, in
Alex:there and then I ordered like wipes
Alex:and diapers
Alex:specifically that stay in that area and changes of clothes, which is
Alex:actually just made being downstairs area easier to on us because we are like a.
Alex:three story home.
Alex:So there was so many moments where we needed to change their clothes or
Alex:a diaper or grab something like bug spray for outside that we then didn't
Alex:have to race up flights of stairs where yeah, as like a seven month pregnant
Alex:person it's becoming very ideal.
Alex:It's less steps.
Alex:and so that part was really nice.
Alex:And yeah, just being able to like, When I realized I forgot
Alex:something in the car to run back
Alex:to that
Alex:spot instead of going up to the bedrooms, which still don't have a
Alex:lot of organization in terms of like diapers, wipes, creams, sunscreen stuff.
Alex:but yeah, that'll, that is all pretty much there.
Alex:Not like nicely organized, but it's all thrown in there,
Alex:which is enough for right now.
Alex:And then what I told Lacey was the biggest game changer was the car organization.
Alex:I don't know why it's never really occurred to me to even look up car
Alex:organization or car storage just we do so much in our car that I think I
Alex:thought, like, why organize it or why do that we're throwing so much in and
Alex:out that it would just be in the way.
Alex:But right we just went on two vacations in which it wasn't in the way and it
Alex:became such a Organizational tool.
Alex:not just like packing up the car, but anytime we would, and that goes for
Alex:here and on vacation, but just drive somewhere outside of our main hub.
Alex:It'd be like, oh, we have bug spray in the car.
Alex:Oh, we have sunscreen in the car.
Alex:It's in the one little bin.
Alex:And, we have diaper like.
Alex:Just that, oh, shoot, we forgot something moment was like, the
Alex:essentials are there, which is
Alex:very big.
Alex:there have
Alex:been many times in our life where one of us is running to a Walmart
Alex:when we've already got to where we are to snag some necessity.
Alex:so what I ended up getting for the car, I think you had recommended
Alex:like three, three tote bags or three.
Alex:to move in and out bags, which I actually didn't get one that
Alex:I would say is easy to move.
Alex:It's like almost like an accordion.
Alex:bag, but it's pretty structured.
Alex:You like slide in these pieces.
Alex:That makes it more structured and it sits across the back, but it's not very deep.
Alex:So it's, we're able to put our third row of seats up and it still just
Alex:sits in there and it Velcros down.
Alex:So it's not sliding.
Alex:and it has two organized compartments, which is where we do.
Alex:The diapers, the wipes, the sunscreen, bug spray, the spare clothes.
Alex:and then in the other one we have a picnic blanket, some quick toys that we keep.
Alex:If we are going to the beach, I have the beach bag that's in the butler's pantry
Alex:now, so I don't pack like a bunch of
Alex:bag stuff.
Alex:Just yeah, like a picnic blanket if we're at the park and some water bottles.
Alex:And then the other part has a cooler.
Alex:Which I'm loving, because so many times we are out for a long time during the
Alex:day and I wanted to bring like cheeses or yogurts and stuff, but it was like,
Alex:the car's hot, what are you going to do?
Alex:like yesterday we went up to, Laci, we went to Loveland Bike Park and
Alex:We're up there for a few hours.
Alex:And so we put cooler packs in
Alex:the back of
Alex:the car and shoved like a ton of snacks and drinks and stuff in that.
Alex:So even though that wasn't a recommendation, it was like on Amazon.
Alex:I was like, I feel like the cooler would come in handy.
Sara:And that's,
Sara:And that's actually when I sent that list to you, it's just this is a jumping
Sara:off point, what's
Sara:And that's the thing with
Sara:so many
Sara:clients, they
Sara:don't even realize what is available.
Sara:So I love that you
Sara:were like, no, not so much this.
Sara:And, but you found something that was
Sara:And And I love that now I know about something new.
Sara:So is the cooler, can
Sara:you take that
Sara:section out
Sara:or is it
Alex:It's in
Alex:you can squish it and it has clips actually if you don't want that
Alex:part like sticking out further.
Alex:You can,
Alex:in the winter, let's
Alex:say where we don't really need it as much, I could squish that in and clip
Alex:it and put another bag to the side.
Alex:but I have a feeling we're going to use that.
Alex:A lot just knowing we bring coolers all the time with us separately that to just
Alex:have it in the car will be really nice.
Sara:So I'm just curious about logistics.
Sara:So if you want to
Sara:load up that cooler, you
Sara:have to carry the ice pack and the
Sara:cooler items out to the car, correct?
Alex:Yeah, they have to be in a freezer previously to use it, but that's not a
Alex:big deal
Alex:since our kitchen is like right next to the driveway.
Sara:I love that it fits when you put that third row up
Sara:because that's so essential
Sara:that you don't have to take the whole thing out if you want to put
Alex:And I saw lots of great trunk organization where things could
Alex:hang and all that, but it was not
Alex:for the task that we're typically
Alex:We need something,
Alex:it's probably like 12 inches
Alex:Across and then 30, yeah, 36 or whatever the other way.
Sara:that's awesome.
Sara:And then
Sara:I was thinking about the Butler's
Sara:pantry, the bottom half.
Sara:first of all, I
Sara:love that's becoming helpful
Sara:in just your day to day life.
Sara:Now you said you're actually
Sara:putting the backpack
Sara:itself under there too in the butler's pantry.
Alex:Yeah, because otherwise
Alex:it just sits on
Alex:chair, out, which isn't a big deal, but when I don't want our backpack
Alex:just sitting at our nice dining room table, it's nice Just throw it in there.
Sara:That's bonus.
Sara:I didn't realize it
Sara:would fit in there.
Sara:is, I thought you could empty it and
Sara:then be able to hang it on 1 of the
Sara:So that's great.
Sara:And then you were saying, you made the comment about, oh, it's not really that
Sara:organized, but that to me, if it's, if you find what you need, Then it's fine.
Sara:If you can't find what you
Sara:need, that's when
Sara:you need an organizational tool.
Sara:It's not about how looks.
Sara:it's about how it feels.
Sara:do you open it up and go, oh, this is what I need.
Sara:if you can't see something because it's getting
Sara:behind, that's when you need something.
Sara:But, Otherwise,
Sara:just have something in there, yeah, that you can pull the
Sara:whole thing out and just rummage.
Alex:Yeah, I mean, it's been great because, I didn't really know what
Alex:needed to go in there at first, so it's, I've really been adding to it
Alex:over time, I knew like diapers and wipes
Alex:but slowly I've been
Alex:like, oh,
Alex:actually I'm going to put water shoes in there because every now
Alex:and again, I've got to run upstairs
Alex:for those, so
Alex:why even put those in their rooms?
Alex:Just keep it
Alex:it's easy to access.
Alex:And yeah, I keep two swimsuits in there for the girls instead
Alex:of putting those up in
Alex:their closets because there's just...
Alex:point in climbing an extra floor to get a swimsuit if we
Alex:could just keep one down there.
Alex:Actually my son has like a bunch of ga like gaming systems
Alex:that he would just leave.
Alex:I don't like them in his room because I'm pretty sure he'll
Alex:just stay up forever playing them.
Alex:So they used to just sit on the dining room table too and I didn't
Alex:really think about that before.
Alex:But then I was like, oh there's enough now Atticus you can
Alex:throw your game bag in here.
Alex:And so it doesn't have to stare at me.
Sara:I love that all those
Sara:mystery wires
Sara:were taking up
Sara:this valuable real
Alex:They were in my camera bag and then honestly I just found things in
Alex:there like a pair of old candlesticks.
Alex:I'm like what are these even?
Alex:These been
Alex:back here for five years.
Alex:So it's clearly a very underutilized storage space.
Sara:That's what happens.
Sara:And something to think about to this is, for you and for the
Sara:I love that you said you're adding to it over time.
Sara:That is awesome.
Sara:And then also keep a mental note of the seasonal
Sara:aspect of it.
Sara:as it gets
Sara:cooler in the.
Sara:fall, think about whatever
Sara:you have down there, if it's some kind of cloth to open tote box or something or
Sara:been like even take
Sara:out okay, take out all the summer items.
Sara:don't need the bug spray
Sara:sunscreen in the swimsuits.
Sara:And then just take that whole thing and
Sara:just rotate
Sara:it on the second or third floor, and then when it becomes warm again,
Sara:you can almost just rotate like
Sara:the winter
Sara:and the
Sara:summer so that you're not again taking up valuable real estate in
Sara:the butler's pantry for off season
Alex:Yeah, now with birdie starting preschool they lunch there and I
Alex:have to pack a lunch and I'm so I'm sure like that space just in
Alex:the next week is going to get.
Alex:Turned around into where her backpack goes with
Alex:her spare clothes
Alex:and the lunch box and
Alex:things like that in there.
Sara:you take
Sara:the dogs with you?
Alex:to if we're going on a hike or something.
Alex:Yeah, I take the puppy with us.
Alex:I still haven't gotten to where I've taken both dogs to many places.
Alex:That feels a little overwhelming.
Alex:Our older dog, she's great.
Alex:She can go anywhere, but it's mostly
Alex:But yeah, so I would say the front of her house now, I've had to rethink
Alex:the storage there to accommodate harnesses, leashes, dog, bags, toys,
Alex:because now I'm a bark box person
Alex:you I'm a whole new woman over here,
Alex:so we have mounting toys and treats and, basset hounds are special.
Alex:They need.
Alex:Their ears and eyes cleaned consistently with like special stuff.
Alex:So, if you've,
Alex:not your thing, a basset hound is
Alex:not the dog for you.
Alex:which again, I'm sure Lacey knows I was not a high maintenance dog person
Alex:before, but that is who I am now.
Lacey:I love it for you.
Lacey:I love it
Alex:cleaning out all the, the crap that gets stuck in their ears.
Alex:So, now we have that all in the front.
Alex:So, I all need to be thinking of.
Alex:the best way to get all that stored in the future.
Sara:and I
Sara:was thinking with the transition into go
Sara:stuff, if you were taking
Sara:the dogs as having
Sara:some kind of to
Sara:go bag for the dogs with
Alex:Yeah, there
Alex:is stuff in, I forgot about that now
Alex:that I'm thinking, The trunk does have a leash.
Alex:dog bags and a bag of treats in it.
Alex:So I keep that in the car.
Lacey:it can, but
Sara:I know this
Alex:again, I like,
Alex:I was like, I don't know what all to put in it.
Alex:So as the days
Alex:were going
Alex:by, I was like, okay, I'm rushing back in to get,
Alex:a leash or a harness or, treats or whatever.
Alex:So now they just stay there and it's become quite handy.
Sara:idealistic, I know, but going back to
Sara:the whole thing of the wires and the candlesticks, it's
Sara:just oh, they're in here.
Sara:What are they doing here?
Sara:On that same
Sara:note of that car trunk organizer,
Sara:it will need to be
Sara:revisited, and think about times when it makes sense,
Sara:like the changing of
Sara:the seasons
Sara:they Or, whatever makes sense to you, there's the idealistic, check
Sara:it every six months, but whatever life happens, blah, blah, blah.
Sara:just be noticing of, oh, are there things in here we're not using
Sara:anymore and take everything out, throw away
Sara:the trash.
Sara:Get rid of the things you're not using.
Sara:Put back in the essentials.
Alex:I forgot about another thing we added
Alex:to the car.
Lacey:The excitement that just came out of you.
Sara:I love that.
Sara:I love that.
Alex:take out the trash.
Alex:So when I was looking up car organizers, there was, like, a trash
Alex:can that you can keep in your car.
Alex:So then I went down the rabbit hole of looking up car trash cans and found
Alex:one that like hooks, like we have a, instead of the captain seats, we
Alex:have a bench seat for the second row.
Alex:So there's like the middle between the girls that doesn't get used.
Alex:So there's one that like clips in
Alex:And it's been so magical Cause, like I said, they're eating in the car so much.
Alex:so my car was just like
Alex:gummy wrappers and granola bar wrappers and, juice, Capri sun packs.
Alex:I didn't clean it out, then it was
Alex:just piling up.
Alex:And now the girls love, it.
Alex:Oh, you gotta put it in the trash can.
Alex:It's right next to you.
Alex:And we empty it every couple days.
Alex:I love it.
Alex:The trash can's
Sara:Laci, can we link on the website, her car organizer, because I want
Sara:to see the trashcan one too.
Lacey:Alex if you can send me links.
Sara:I love how excited
Sara:that, that excitement that you got.
Sara:call those home tingles and I know it's
Sara:the car, but the car is
Sara:the extension of
Sara:the home.
Sara:got to see home
Alex:we are in the car a lot.
Alex:Trust me.
Alex:I think our car is like two and a half, three years old and we've
Alex:already put 60, 000 miles on it.
Alex:So we're in the car a lot.
Sara:I love that you
Alex:No, me
Alex:and my
Alex:husband have talked about this trash
Alex:can like to a weird extent of how much we're like, why did we not think of this?
Alex:This is so awesome.
Alex:if we, finish a can of Coke or whatever, you pass it back and you're
Alex:like, Bertie, put it in the trash.
Sara:I love that.
Sara:Oh my gosh, I love it.
Sara:And oh, speaking
Sara:of the girls helping.
Sara:So when you are, and especially with your daughter
Sara:going back
Sara:to preschool,
Sara:are you getting
Sara:more into the
Sara:habit of go grab the sunscreen, go find like getting them
Alex:So in the house, they, that's still a little bit complicated.
Alex:The butler's pantry is actually a little tricky to open, so asking them to go in
Alex:there, it's like a, it's old, there's like a hook you have to turn, but the car, she
Alex:does know what we have in there, like we were at a friend's birthday party, and I
Alex:didn't know they were going to have water balloons, so, right, the kids are soaked
Alex:quickly, so then Birdie was like, oh mom,
Alex:can I
Alex:go to the car and get my dry clothes out?
Alex:I was like, yeah, girlfriend, go
Sara:Oh, that's wow.
Sara:That's amazing.
Alex:know, which again,
Alex:we usually had dry clothes with us, but like buried in a bag somewhere.
Alex:So like.
Alex:knows now what's in the back
Alex:of the
Alex:car, and so she, and she can click the little button and
Alex:open, she can't close it, but
Alex:that's okay.
Alex:yeah, that came in super handy, her knowing where all
Alex:the things were and stuff.
Sara:And now I'm curious, because this is something, I like to
Sara:learn from other people too,
Sara:I'm always looking for better solutions.
Sara:let's say you use the
Sara:dry clothes.
Sara:So that's
Sara:out of the car.
Sara:How do you remember to restock
Sara:the dry clothes or something that needs to go back
Alex:Good call.
Alex:because yeah, I did have clothes for birdie.
Alex:I'd forgotten to restock the clothes for our younger one and had to borrow some
Alex:from, my sister in law who was there and I was like, okay, I got to be like
Alex:diligent, more diligent about if I do take something out and use it, putting it back.
Alex:That was really the first time that's happened.
Alex:that was my first, light bulb, okay, if I use something out of the back,
Alex:I do need to remember to restock it.
Sara:how do you do your reminders?
Sara:Do you do stuff on your phone?
Sara:Do you have paper?
Sara:Do you like,
Sara:like, how do you, or you just
Sara:try to cram it
Sara:all in your brain?
Alex:you have a whiteboard near the
Alex:back door that I'll write,
Alex:and calendar
Alex:Or, Okay, we're
Alex:out of toilet paper.
Alex:I need something to shout at me before I leave the house that I need toilet paper.
Alex:I really think with the extra clothes, that's something we got home yesterday.
Alex:And I quickly was like, I know there's a load of laundry in the dryer.
Alex:I'm just gonna go grab a few items out of there and put them in the back.
Alex:I think I bought a day planner like a month ago that I
Alex:used once.
Alex:I always think
Alex:I'm going to use the pen and paper planners.
Sara:But the
Alex:theory, But
Sara:the whiteboard's great.
Sara:If you just, when you're walking in, just put
Sara:clothes, dry, dry clothes and car,
Alex:Yeah, the whiteboard,
Alex:I, I'm not big on the aesthetics of a whiteboard, but.
Alex:Honestly, yeah, we use that thing like crazy.
Sara:I'm pretty big on communication centers and it
Sara:can be, if you don't like the whiteboards, you
Sara:can use
Sara:an integrated
Sara:family digital planner.
Sara:but everybody is different.
Sara:for my
Sara:having it bold
Sara:and visual on the fridge is.
Sara:Our path
Sara:So it's trade it's trading off the visuals works for the
Alex:and in the mudroom, it's right next to the bathroom,
Alex:which we
Alex:are all using at some point during the day.
Alex:So it's our thing too.
Alex:if Lee or my husband is like, Oh, remember I have that thing.
Alex:I'm like, no, it's not on the whiteboard.
Alex:It doesn't count until it's on the whiteboard.
Alex:If my
Alex:event was on the whiteboard prior to you telling me you had another
Alex:event, sorry, it trumps it.
Alex:You're done.
Sara:love that.
Sara:Laci, how
Sara:do you communicate with
Lacey:Not well.
Lacey:That's that's actually.
Lacey:I, the, because Joe and I do the same thing
Lacey:is he'll
Lacey:be like, Oh, remember, I have D& and D this
Lacey:I'm like, Nope, didn't know that.
Lacey:And he's I told you, and I'm like, maybe you did, maybe you
Lacey:didn't, but I did not know.
Lacey:So I think we probably need a more concrete thing.
Lacey:I'm such a digital person, because I, the visual is good for me, but the
Lacey:digital is what I will make happen.
Lacey:Like it's easy for me to do.
Lacey:So we're going to have to figure that out.
Alex:yeah, I mean, especially with
Alex:all the kids going back to school, I know Isaac's probably still daycare this
Lacey:He's gonna, he's going to stick with daycare in his preschool.
Alex:But with, yeah, we have five events this week that I was like, if I
Alex:don't get these written down in somewhere, we will not make it.
Alex:It will not.
Alex:will schedule something.
Alex:I won't be able to.
Alex:It's taken us a while to get there though.
Alex:We used to be like, oh, you just text each other when you have
Alex:something and hopefully they
Lacey:have a shared calendar, a Google calendar.
Lacey:I use, But Joe doesn't, so we need, we still need to find
Lacey:the Lacey and Joe come together
Sara:That, And that's what's interesting is finding one
Sara:that works, if it's just the adults
Sara:or if
Sara:you're trying to integrate older children.
Sara:I have a friend, family of four, two adults, two children, they all have
Sara:Apple devices and so they have
Sara:a shared Apple
Sara:calendar, and even the tasks that the kids are supposed to be doing,
Sara:And they
Sara:can all
Sara:see in
Sara:real time and that works for them.
Lacey:I would
Lacey:love that.
Lacey:That's my dream.
Alex:See, to me, I'm like, it sounds
Alex:like nothing's
Alex:getting done.
Alex:that day.
Alex:some reason,
Alex:if things are digital.
Alex:it's like
Alex:a real, pie in the sky.
Alex:Wouldn't it
Alex:be nice if that happened?
Sara:see, And I can't
Sara:have digital
Sara:if it's
Sara:digital, it barely, I,
Alex:not the real world to me.
Alex:It's in this abstract AI world.
Sara:I don't live in the AI world.
Sara:But Lacey for you.
Sara:it's finding that kind of hybrid
Sara:of what.
Lacey:What I need
Lacey:to do,
Lacey:because remember, we did a really The thing that I'm always going to go back
Lacey:to is
Lacey:our grocery list and like being able to yell out to our ALXEA of what
Lacey:needs to go on there is the height of home management for my So I
Lacey:to figure out a similar thing of that, where it's you just got to
Lacey:shout it out and then it's somewhere.
Sara:So here's my recommendation for that.
Sara:I worked with the, those, have you seen those, digital planning boards?
Lacey:I have, actively campaigned for one and, Joe comes from a place of no,
Lacey:a lot of times to start
Sara:so here's good, better, best.
Sara:Here's like the entry level is if you have an older tablet.
Sara:At the bare minimum that can be connected to your virtual
Sara:home assistant,
Sara:that can, so you could actually see what is on the grocery list,
Sara:have that app on there,
Sara:have a
Sara:virtual planner that communicates with the virtual assistant, and then that way
Sara:you can just push it, take, it's like
Sara:somewhere that's, The communications that are that's the equivalent
Sara:of the whiteboard and everyone
Sara:can just look
Sara:at it.
Sara:And as
Sara:the kids
Sara:get older, they can actually look
Sara:and see Oh, that's when
Sara:So it's like the family calendar.
Sara:Wait, that, that now I'm wondering Alex, for your white board,
Sara:is there a calendar aspect?
Alex:The majority of it's
Alex:a calendar.
Alex:And then there's like the right hand side that has to do list labeled
Alex:on it.
Sara:is it,
Sara:is it a wipe for the month?
Sara:So you
Sara:have to wipe it at the end of the month and redo, so if you have to
Sara:write down something that's happening in three months, where do you put
Lacey:about not real.
Alex:I'm like three months from now.
Alex:also lives in an
Sara:on, hold on.
Sara:You said at
Sara:the top
Sara:you're scheduling your induction
Sara:that gonna go on planner?
Alex:This is special one.
Alex:I'm really pushing to schedule it as early
Alex:as possible
Alex:so I can get it on Halloween.
Alex:The baby can
Alex:have a Halloween birthday.
Alex:So if
Alex:I can it'll be the
Alex:easiest thing to remember
Sara:I love
Sara:This is I love this deep dive into just how you schedule things,
Sara:how Lacey
Alex:Yeah, Anything
Alex:that's after a month lives in my head.
Alex:And we just hope it's gonna.
Sara:hold on a
Alex:I do,
Alex:I really rely on the rest of the world to remind
Alex:me of
Sara:a sec.
Sara:schedule a vet
Sara:Sorry, I can't.
Sara:So you schedule a vet
Sara:appointment for this dog who is essentially a family member.
Sara:The Basset Hound.
Sara:don't write
Sara:down that appointment anyway.
Alex:when I'm in the moment, I'll put it on my Google calendar, but
Alex:doesn't mean much.
Alex:I've missed many appointments in my life, for the record.
Alex:for the
Alex:we've been, I don't,
Alex:We might have missed one
Alex:so far,
Alex:but then we're able to reschedule.
Alex:but like right now his next appointment is we need to schedule something
Alex:for him to get like neutered.
Alex:but we haven't done that yet.
Alex:So I'll put it in my Google calendar and then hope that my
Alex:phone shouts at me at some point.
Sara:you are the person
Sara:that automatic reminders were made for.
Sara:Like when I get a text a
Alex:Yes, but it needs to
Alex:be like
Alex:Like you can't just tell me the week of this is happening in
Alex:a few
Alex:need week of,
Alex:day before, day of.
Sara:in awe.
Sara:I'm in awe.
Sara:You are about to have four
Sara:children, two dogs,
Sara:and you're going
Sara:to work part time and
Sara:you rely
Sara:on the
Sara:reminding you
Sara:of all your
Sara:you ever double book things?
Alex:the time.
Lacey:Yeah, Alex is so she brings out the best
Alex:when it
Alex:Yeah, I really, when, yeah, we've definitely double booked.
Alex:Or had things very close together that it's okay, you got to take her
Alex:to her doctor's appointment, I'm going to run birdie to the dentist,
Alex:and then, one of us has to go to the school thing at four, who wants to
Alex:do, very day of, what's the day going
Alex:to look like?
Lacey:But do you see how not stressed about it she is?
Lacey:Isn't that
Lacey:I know,
Sara:wish I could,
Sara:I wish I could purchase, I don't know, a dropper
Sara:full of this, you're, I love it, you
Sara:the light, you
Sara:love your life.
Sara:you're not, this is just,
Sara:I'm in awe, this is, I, again, I want a podcast all about your
Sara:in awe of this.
Sara:What's your
Alex:me and my husband are really
Alex:when we need it.
Alex:So we don't have a, we both need to be a part of dinner and bedtime and.
Alex:Usually I've been like, Hey, I'm going to go see a movie on
Alex:Wednesday and then I'm going to go to dinner with a friend on Thursday.
Alex:What two nights would you like to go do your own thing?
Alex:even though that means one of us is going to be like
Alex:all the stuff
Alex:in the evening.
Alex:We know that it's.
Alex:worth it to give each other the time that they need after that.
Lacey:I will say Alex is one of my pillars of motherhood as far as
Lacey:examples go because the entire time I've known Alex, she's been a mother.
Lacey:but she has never fallen into the trap of shoulds of motherhood.
Lacey:She Very much is her own
Lacey:person, and I just, I've learned a lot about keeping your own identity
Lacey:while being a mother from her.
Lacey:and I honestly, I think having Atticus so young really was something that probably,
Lacey:I don't want to say forced you to do that, that you chose to do that, that
Lacey:made it more part of your life as you went
Alex:I think I.
Alex:I remember very vividly having thoughts of I want Atticus to see me doing these kind
Alex:of things.
Alex:I want him to remember that I, yeah, spent time with him.
Alex:I've always spent quality time with him, but that I didn't put anything on hold
Alex:for him or not do anything because of him.
Alex:so when I went off to graduate school for
Alex:the second
Alex:Like, I went three hours away, and he stayed with his dad during
Alex:that time, and I would race back on weekends to see him, but
Alex:was like, this is happening, and I'll figure out some
Alex:crazy way to do it, but I can,
Alex:be fine.
Lacey:Yeah, she is so good at making herself a priority, and it's really cool.
Alex:Yeah, and
Alex:again, having our own separate nights has always been, if I can sense
Alex:tension in my relationship or that my husband's worn out or that I'm worn
Alex:out, it's very much do we need to do?
Alex:Let's make it happen.
Alex:Clearly we're getting spent.
Alex:do you need to go away?
Alex:I've always told them like, go on a trip.
Alex:Please go somewhere
Alex:you need to.
Alex:Never feel like it's going to be too much on me because I always
Alex:want us to have that sort of Hey,
Alex:if you need to recharge, do not feel guilty.
Alex:We should always have
Alex:that option.
, Lacey:have you learned anything over these, about thinking about
, Lacey:your home more strategically?
, Lacey:What would your, big takeaway be, or what has changed for you?
Alex:I think such a
Alex:thought or aha moment that's come from our conversations over the last few months
Alex:at this point has been that it's so easy to focus on the looks or the aesthetics.
Alex:and think that fixing that is going to help you function more easily, right?
Alex:if everything's just
Alex:or if I can just get the arts and crafts rooms organized, then we'll use it.
Alex:Or, so I would say, if me and Sarah didn't have such
Alex:in depth
Alex:convos on the other podcast and you Lacey, I probably would have been focusing on
Alex:areas that weren't even functionally causing the obstacles during the
Alex:It was
Alex:more like, oh, wouldn't it be nicer if that was
Alex:a cuter
Alex:space or that, had better storage or something, but it might have been an
Alex:area that we weren't even like using.
Alex:And I thought if we could make it look or store things better, maybe we'd
Alex:use it where you all really showed
Alex:me like, what are you already using?
Alex:Where are you already walking?
Alex:Where are you already setting stuff down?
Alex:Like where are the pain points that are currently on your journey that we can.
Alex:to take away.
Alex:so I think that has been
Alex:the big
Alex:aha is the car wouldn't have even come to my mind.
Alex:I think if I had just,
Alex:I don't
Alex:know, looked at a worksheet maybe and or listen to something and thought,
Alex:Oh, what's an area that I could.
Alex:make easier.
Alex:I think I would have thought about our bedroom or, the kids rooms rather
Alex:than we're transitioning so much.
Alex:How do we honestly decrease so much time and effort in my day?
Alex:so really looks wise, not much
Alex:has changed
Alex:in my house, Like you walk around the house and you maybe see one
Alex:less backpack or Atticus's game system instead of sitting on
Alex:the bench moved away, but if
Alex:you could
Alex:see us.
Alex:through the day and time,
Alex:know how much time has been saved and emotional,
Alex:toil saved from going up and down stairs and things like that.
Alex:I think you'd see a pretty significant difference.
Lacey:also, and I know this is for Sarah too, the excitement you had over the
Lacey:and the fact that you guys talk about it.
Lacey:I'm like that, I think that's one of the coolest things that you like learn to
Lacey:identify an issue and then figured it out and it's working so well and you're so
Lacey:excited about it.
Lacey:I think that's cool.
Alex:Yeah, it's really, because we talked so much about Oh, I hate
Alex:sitting down for meals places.
Alex:So my kids are eating in the car all the time.
Alex:I didn't even think of it as a pain point.
Alex:I was trying to think of these bigger things, but like cleaning out trash
Alex:from the bottom of my car is more work than cleaning up their rooms
Alex:or, making beds or whatever, because.
Alex:The small little pieces of whatever, that the trash can was just such like a,
Alex:my goodness.
Alex:There's so much stuff on the floor of our
Alex:which was also needed to happen in many ways with the new puppy
Alex:because he's sitting on, like I said, we bring him a lot of places.
Alex:He sits on the floor and I quickly was like, okay, he's chewing
Alex:on all their sucker sticks,
Alex:their wrappers, their
Sara:I love, I'm like, I'm just
Sara:so happy.
Sara:love that.
Sara:you saw
Sara:that clarity of, you distilled
Sara:than I could
Sara:And I love that you saw it and
Sara:you recognized
Sara:And yes, repeatedly I've, one of the things that's come up, when
Sara:to explain my work
Sara:participants, Sarah has
Sara:said, it's I'm a detective sometimes.
Sara:So like you said, it wasn't the
Sara:obvious things.
Sara:Like we had to keep digging and digging and you even dug.
Sara:I never even suggested a trash can.
Sara:So I love that, that you got into the process
Sara:and going back
Sara:to the
Sara:beginning, people
Sara:Often think my work is being a home organizer.
Sara:And I was like, if that's needed, I don't know.
Sara:like you said, the Butler's
Sara:pantry isn't
Sara:necessarily organized, but it's more useful.
Sara:And it's like,
Sara:It doesn't
Sara:you shut
Sara:the doors.
Sara:it really matter.
Sara:as long as you can find what you need.
Alex:took like
Alex:things that were in five or six
Alex:different places
Alex:throughout our home and has been able to just Put them in a very convenient
Alex:place that again, I can close the doors and I'm not worried if it's like a
Alex:hodgepodge of items that someone else would be like, what's happening there?
Alex:It's I just reach in and grab what I need and I don't have to go up any steps.
Lacey:For you, we never needed your house to look different.
Lacey:you never needed your house your house is beautiful.
Lacey:You do an amazing job of making it look
Lacey:So not to toot our own horn with our tagline, but we really don't
Lacey:care about how your house looks.
Lacey:It's about how it
Lacey:And it sounds like it feels better.
Alex:Yeah, it certainly does.
Alex:And especially the
Alex:car for us is an extension of the home, where I know for
Alex:some people that would be like,
Alex:not as big a deal for them.
Alex:We do spend so much time there and it is such a big
Alex:point of bringing things in and out that having those two
Alex:hubs, the back of the car.
Alex:And then that area, As you said, again, if I had organized it, I
Alex:probably would have thought the
Alex:front door,
Alex:cause there's, a little more space that's not utilized.
Alex:We don't hang out.
Alex:Near the front door.
Alex:So I'd be like, Oh, man, I should put some stuff there.
Alex:And you're like, that's not the path that you take,
Alex:You're not
Alex:going to change, walking to the car out the front door, going through the
Alex:tube gate, you're not going to do that.
Alex:You're just going to end up not using whatever's there.
Alex:so I think that piece was really helpful too, is work with the habits that
Alex:you already
Alex:If your habit is going out that, that door or putting your stuff
Alex:in that
Alex:space already, work with that habit.
Alex:to overhaul your whole patterns of life.
Sara:On that note that you just said about the habits, it's yeah, and
Sara:like now you're
Sara:and more, you already came to the conclusion
Sara:of Oh, don't walk the swimming suits back
Sara:up to
Sara:the room,
Sara:Just to bring them back down.
Sara:Don't walk
Sara:this up oh, just leave it here.
Sara:And so I love that
Sara:are seeing
Sara:what's my habit?
Sara:Oh, just leave
Sara:it here.
Sara:So I love that it's already
Sara:like spooling
Sara:on itself.
Sara:So I'm ecstatic about
Alex:Even with the car trash can, right.
Alex:We've tried so many times, okay, we're just not going to give the kids
Alex:snacks in
Alex:the car.
Alex:That is not
Alex:Let's all admit the kids are eaten in the car.
Alex:So how can we make them eating in the car, less of a headache for us afterwards?
Alex:again, we'll see how it continues to function as our life changes.
Alex:But I do have to skedaddle
Lacey:you for sharing, Alex.
Alex:Thanks for chatting
Alex:with me, ladies.
Alex:This has been great.
Alex:And yeah, game changer for the intense.
Alex:uh, chaotic life that I
Sara:you, Alex.
Sara:Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Alex:All right.
Alex:Bye everyone.
Sara:I am happy and sad that we're at the end of Alex's journey
Sara:because I enjoyed Alex so much.
Sara:I want to be friends with her now, even though I've never met her in real life.
Sara:I just want to know more.
Sara:I can't wait to find out what she names her baby and if it gets
Sara:born on her desirable due date.
Sara:I want, I'm going to start following her dog on Instagram.
Sara:Like I.
Sara:I really admire Alex and I learned so much from her.
Sara:So thank you Laci for bringing her into this experience.
Lacey:I, Alex officiated my husband and I's wedding.
Lacey:Like when we were talking about who would be that, he looked at me
Lacey:and he was like, what about Alex?
Lacey:Which I think is just the funniest thing that he's the one that suggested her.
Lacey:Cause, When Alex takes you on as her person, one of her
Lacey:people, she takes you on.
Lacey:So apparently we were at a graduate school event, get to know you.
Lacey:And Alex was like, look, something I said or did, she was like, that
Lacey:girl's going to be my friend.
Lacey:And I am so thankful because she did.
Lacey:And then she did the same thing with Joe.
Lacey:Like the minute she met Joe, she was like, I want to.
Lacey:I want to be around you.
Lacey:And they have their own special little relationship too.
Lacey:Like they took a good working class together and then would go try
Lacey:different restaurants afterwards.
Lacey:Like it's just, I, cannot sing her praises enough and how much
Lacey:of a light she's been in my life.
Lacey:So yeah, absolutely.
Sara:Yeah, I don't know.
Sara:Do I, does she only get to pick you or can I pick her?
Sara:is it a one way track only?
Lacey:You can pick her too, I
Sara:even live in the same state, but no, she has, I really, I've
Sara:been walking around going like, how would Alex view this situation?
Sara:something happened to me this morning.
Sara:That was a stress bomb.
Sara:And I was like, huh, what would Alex think or say or
Lacey:I also just love, so I feel the same way about participant
Lacey:Sarah, of like, how do I make her be my friend, without being creepy?
Lacey:And I've gotten to spend, we've sent like Instagram messages back and forth now.
Lacey:And then I also just think about it and I'm like, who knew that, Six
Lacey:months ago, I, one of the people I would talk to the most every day
Lacey:would be this woman in New York.
Lacey:And now I'm trying to make her friend my friend, and then vice versa.
Lacey:I just, I think when you, I think it's just, it validates my thought that there
Lacey:are just certain people in the world that you are a little bit more drawn to, and
Lacey:if you lean into that, it's really joyful.
Lacey:I'm gonna continue to lean into it.
Sara:thank goodness for the power of zoom and the internet
Sara:to let us find our people, no matter how near or how far we are.
Sara:Spread and scattered and anyone listening who feels like they resonated
Sara:with our humor or our approaches.
Sara:Join us.
Sara:be one of us people who if you feel just yes, that's my type of humor.
Sara:Yeah, come laugh with us because we just want to laugh all day.
Lacey:We do.
Lacey:We do.
Lacey:I don't want to steal your thunder, Sarah, but I've been thinking about
Lacey:what my piece of gratitude is, and this is my piece of gratitude.
Lacey:I'm so grateful for the internet.
Lacey:And it wasn't, it's not to connect to people.
Lacey:I guess in some ways it could be to connect to people this afternoon.
Lacey:I've been having a little bit of a rough day energy wise and just making
Lacey:a meal sounded so overwhelming.
Lacey:We're also at the end of our grocery store, latest haul.
Lacey:So we, there's not a like clear, easy stuff to make.
Lacey:And a long time ago, Joe got me these ramen bowls.
Lacey:So I can just take the bowl out.
Lacey:put in hot water, and then I've got a bowl of ramen.
Lacey:I don't have to do anything else.
Lacey:And I was like, you know what?
Lacey:This is the day for this.
Lacey:I got, pumped in my head about it.
Lacey:He even got special ones that he knew I would like.
Lacey:the one I had today was a kimchi bowl that had kimchi in it.
Lacey:I'm like, all right.
Lacey:I make it.
Lacey:It is so spicy.
Lacey:And I'm a big old wimp when it comes to spice, so I'm like, It's okay.
Lacey:No, I'm still gonna make this work.
Lacey:Because I don't want to waste it.
Lacey:I'm still gonna make it work.
Lacey:So I googled, how can I make things less spicy?
Lacey:How can I make my ramen less spicy?
Lacey:And, I read through a list and I added several things.
Lacey:It still was too spicy for me to fully eat, but I ate all the noodles.
Lacey:And had a meal.
Lacey:And so I just had this moment where I was like, I am so grateful for this
Lacey:random person who made a page, a post about how to make ramen less spicy.
Lacey:And I could use literally all, I used three of the four tips
Lacey:to make it a little less spicy.
Lacey:Do you want to know the tips?
Sara:I was going to say, don't keep me in suspense.
Sara:How do you make something less spicy?
Lacey:So one was sugar.
Lacey:I'm going to add sugar.
Lacey:That's a tip.
Lacey:Which I had already added some hoisin sauce, which has
Lacey:a pretty high sugar content.
Lacey:So I was like, got that one done.
Lacey:Another one is to add some acidity, because the acidity will
Lacey:fight the spiciness, apparently.
Lacey:So I added some lime juice and then it suggested milk because there's a
Lacey:lot of, ramens that are creamy and I just didn't even, I've heard of
Lacey:milk and spiciness, but I never just thought oh, add some milk to this and
Lacey:it'll just make it a little creamier.
Lacey:And so I did all three of these things.
Lacey:The last one was cheese.
Lacey:And that was just one I couldn't quite figure out in my brain of the type of
Lacey:cheeses that we have and what would go with it and that kind of stuff.
Lacey:So I stuck with the first three.
Lacey:But yeah, just.
Lacey:The internet's so cool.
Lacey:It's Man Roads again.
Lacey:Essentially, you're about to, I could go on for 20 more minutes about
Lacey:how I made home automations today.
Lacey:So stay tuned for Laci and Joe's final episode, which happens to be next week.
Lacey:But still, I got a little excited.
Sara:So mine is broad as well.
Sara:I'm thankful for music, which I know, but it's not just music.
Sara:I'm thankful for music.
Sara:And music teachers
Sara:and to tie that in, I'm thankful for my willingness to try something new.
Sara:So I had drumming class this morning and I've been doing African drumming and this
Sara:is my second course and I'm like, Oh my gosh, I was just so thankful because for
Sara:45 minutes, I don't think I just, I just.
Sara:I don't even zone out.
Sara:You're so focused.
Sara:I'm so focused.
Sara:you can't, we actually talk about how you can't think too much or too little, it's
Sara:almost like driving, like oversteering or like completely not paying attention.
Sara:You really can't think because then it won't work.
Sara:And It's very relaxing for me.
Sara:It's like 45 minutes of like almost meditation.
Sara:Like I don't almost remember the past 45 minutes in a weird way.
Sara:but the music, my music teacher is amazing.
Sara:So I was thankful for her and thankful for music and thankful for the opportunity.
Sara:And yeah, I signed
Lacey:I have so many questions.
Sara:I knew you were going to say that.
Sara:I was like, do I just say music and stop there?
Sara:I was like, no, but it's specifically African drumming.
Sara:And I was like, as soon as I say that, Lace is going to have questions.
Lacey:I am.
Lacey:I know.
Lacey:I know.
Lacey:As soon as you said it.
Lacey:like the moment with Alex, I lit up like a Christmas tree.
Lacey:I was like, did not expect this.
Lacey:Tell me more.
Lacey:I need to know more goodness gracious.
Lacey:What led you to African drumming?
Lacey:What just led you in drumming in general?
Lacey:I just, I want to know.
Sara:So quickly, my background with music.
Sara:I took a brass instrument and a stringed instrument.
Sara:In elementary and middle school, and so I was exposed to music, but
Sara:neither one of them really tickled my fancy, so nothing more to music
Sara:and I can't I'm not a singing person.
Sara:I'm not even I'm a really good dancer.
Sara:I was gonna say I'm not coordinated, but I'm actually a really good dancer.
Sara:So that's where I am with music.
Sara:And then when we moved to our community, eight years ago, there's this main
Sara:street with all the storefronts.
Sara:And I walked by and there's a music studio and there was African drums.
Sara:And I remember walking by that.
Sara:I had no idea what it was.
Sara:I'd never seen it before, no experience.
Sara:And I just looked at it and was like, That's what I want to do one
Sara:day, but that was eight years ago.
Sara:And then she actually became my son's piano teacher and.
Sara:And I always, one day, one day, I'll do that.
Sara:One day I'll do that.
Sara:And then, last year she was running a special with, because
Sara:you can buy, you need to buy the drum and then take the lessons.
Sara:And she did this special and I just jumped.
Sara:It was actually during our, this connects back to our human design
Sara:and you, I'm splenic authority.
Sara:I'm supposed to make decisions with my gut.
Sara:And I'm also supposed to do activities that don't require Yeah.
Sara:So I was like, yes.
Sara:So last winter was my first time with African drumming and I just love it.
Lacey:Love that so much.
Lacey:thank you.
Lacey:I'm grateful for you sharing that.
Lacey:I just, I don't know.
Lacey:I love, first of all, I love when somebody's into something enough
Lacey:that they can explain it to me.
Lacey:We've talked about this before.
Lacey:I also now have created a, drumming community that has mild drama.
Lacey:I'm also the person that, my husband and I went to the orchestra once, and I,
Lacey:made up a love story in my head about, I think it was a cellist and a violinist,
Lacey:because they were, like, across from each other, and both good looking, so I'm like,
Lacey:those two are in love, let's create that,
Sara:This is great
Sara:oh my gosh, I love, you just never know where this conversation's gonna go and
Lacey:I know.
Lacey:I know.
Lacey:And we're just, we're saving all of these up.
Lacey:I've just been saving them all up so that we can just have a whole trove of
Lacey:bonus content for folks, in a No Shame in the Home Games subscription and
Lacey:community that I am working on setting up.
Lacey:Next week we have our final participant episode of the season.
Sara:Yes, and.
Sara:I am
Sara:sad happy.
Sara:I'm sad happy.
Lacey:isn't there a really good German word for that?
Lacey:That I feel like,
Sara:If anyone knows that German word for sad happy,
Sara:let us know.
Sara:And thank you Lacey for everything.
Lacey:Thank you, Sarah.