On the Precipice of Change

I am a person who gets excited by change. Maybe it is the fact that it offers new possibilities or I just seem to be blessed with a positive outlook. Being on the precipice of change is a different story. I want to be able to take action, talk about what is happening openly, and […]
Journey to Motherhood

I love being a mother, and I love my children more than words can express. But at the end of the day, motherhood can be really hard. This is an excerpt from a longer essay about my motherhood experience. This is about my real thoughts and feelings before I became a mother. It wasn’t a […]
Insider Piece

I wrote this piece for Insider.
When You’re Not Good Enough for Imposter Syndrome and Realizing You Were Failing for a Different Reason than You Thought.

I’ve been working on a piece about imposter syndrome for a few weeks now. As usual, I find that if the words aren’t flowing, that means there is something wrong with the premise of the essay I am writing. I finally realized today, that I couldn’t write something about being an imposter, when I feel […]
The Ups and Downs

Note – this isn’t as polished as a piece that I post on purpose… because I’m going through the ups and downs. I do plan to come back to edit/improve for the future. The unpredictability of chronic illness may be the most difficult aspect for me to wrap my mind around. I also believe it […]
Time is on my Mind

Our relationships with time are complicated. Thinking about my own relationship has become a necessity and something I can’t escape.
Is Self-Care Important?

Spoiler Alert: Yes, Self-Care is Important. I almost hate talking and writing about Self-Care because of how it has been turned into a gimmick. It has become a quick note of something that you should do to survive a difficult phase, or something an employer tells its employees to do without giving them the actual […]
Protected: sad today

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Grieving Myself

We say goodbye to old versions of ourselves all the time. Many times we grieve our old selves without acknowledging it.
Normal Results – A Poem

Test come back “normal” or stabilizing. I feel just as ill and and it’s traumatizing.Tears streaming down my face,Just purely stuck in this place. How in the world can this be?There IS something wrong with me.Stuck with nothing to do.Don’t want to be a burden to you. Can never do enoughWanting to show I am […]