What does Positivity look like in The Middle of a Struggle? Is it Toxic Positivity?

This may be an annoying toxic post about how maybe all of this is the best thing to happen to me? I’m an optimist. I have always been. There is no secret sauce recipe I can give you about how to be one. I wish I could because I could make some excellent money with […]
Waiting in The Middle

I’m too impatient for this shiz I would love to lie to you and tell you that I am so patient. I would love to tell you that I am at one with the world and whatever comes my way will be enough. I’m not and it isn’t. You see I am woman of action. […]
Lessons of Support

My husband is not one for the spotlight. I am definitely the attention lover and one to put myself out there. Because of this, I have really tried to be mindful of sharing my perspective here and not infringe on his privacy and tell a story that isn’t mine. It’s been soooo hard because he […]
Middle of Labels

I sat down to write an entirely different essay, but this one has come erupting out of me, and I have to share it RIGHT NOW. Creating TikTok videos has become a new favorite pastime of mine. They are designed to be done on a phone, which is my main point of distraction at this […]
Passing out in the middle of a cafeteria

So nice I did it twice In a conversation earlier in the week, I had the pleasure of fully telling my story from scratch to someone I don’t know. It was a fun experience to realize how much normalizing I have done with some of the most ridiculous things in my world. He asked me, […]
Middle of a Struggle

I’m gonna be real honest with you. This isn’t a good post. I was trying to beat myself up to get a good written essay out for you all because I’ve set goals to send them every Sunday and Wednesday. Also, the last post of this you read was me declaring this to be my […]
An Ode to My Shower Chair

Why did I wait 33 years to buy a shower chair? Now I know that there are some people who love a shower. They are always like, showering, all the time to relax, I guess. I have never been that person a shower is some thing that I have to do for myself, and the […]
Middle of An Identity Crisis

My three year old son has started asking me regularly, “mom, how are you feeling.” Every time he does this, I get a rush of pride and sadness. I am full of pride because he is developing empathy. I have always hoped to raise a child who is so caring for others. Empathy is a […]
Avoiding the Middle

Something is wrong with me. Just admitting that something is wrong, is a very difficult thing for me to do. I like to solve a problem before I can even admit to myself that something was wrong. If we can fix it before everyone (including me) knows, we can avoid the messy middle. I am […]
Support in the Middle

My son crafted his first Jack-o-lantern today, and I wasn’t part of it. I wasn’t a part of it because I was sleeping. I wasn’t part of it because I’m dealing with some health/mental health issues and taking care of myself. It would be so easy for me to beat myself up for this. What […]