Beis Weekender Bag

I LOVE this bag. The fact that it has a separate area on the bottom for shoes and can stay wide open while looking in it are game changers.

The Struggle between Consistency and Self-Acceptance

There are two truths that I am currently struggling with. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but in the way that I see them, they are. The Mddl is all about figuring out how to hold more truths at once, finding the grey area, and getting cozy there. So here we are, friend, with the […]

Why So Serious?

No this isn’t a Batman Reference If you haven’t heard, I am producing a second podcast called No Shame In The Home Game. This is a plug but also helped me come to a realization. Lately, I’ve been having more and more conversations about our homes and the things that we say are important and […]

I’m in a Middle and I don’t know how to talk about it

This is another non-post, post. I have said it a million times and I will say it again, transparency is important to me. We often only hear about someone’s middle when it’s over. Part of this site is sharing about the middle while you’re in the middle. It’s messy, it’s confusing, and it’s hard. Sometimes, […]

Finding Just Right

This morning, my son, and daughter were playing in my bed while my husband finished getting ready for the day. As usual, it turned into a wrestling match. My son would push my daughter over, they would laugh so hard, and she would pop right back up, and the whole thing would start over again. […]

5 Alternatives to “What Can I do To Help”

Often we have great intentions to help a loved one when asking how to help but by opening with such an open ended question, you’re adding more to their plate. You’re awesome for wanting to support your loved one. Giving them something specific lets them know you aren’t just all talk and gives them ideas […]

Solidly Mid-Thirties Now

I turn 34 this week. After consulting Google, I confirmed that I am not to middle age yet. Apparently, that generally starts around after 35, closer to 40. So this will be about being in my mid-thirties, but not middle age. It seemed fitting to reflect on aging and the middle. Maybe I have some […]

I am too excited about Air Fryers 2 years too late

My parents got me an air fryer as an early birthday present (because I asked, they’re the best). I’ve thought about getting an air fryer for a long time but always talked myself out of it. Friends, I was wrong. I finally pulled the trigger because of the accessibility of it. Being able to quickly […]

Support From The Mddl is Out!

Support From The Mddl Cover

I wrote a (work)book and I am so proud of it! Learn more about Support From The Mddl and get yours today! Let Me Tell You More The Journey of Support From The Mddl Reviews Here is what people are saying about Support From The Mddl. She distills the self exploratory journey of self help […]

Support Joy

Creat a Joy Ripple

Give to the Joyful Support Movement to move the mission forward and spread more joy.

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