Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Velociraptors, Dogs on Skateboards, and Secret Talents.

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! We adore talent shows. The purity of sharing what comes naturally to you and knowing it may bring joy to others is some good clean fun. There is also a level of bravery that comes along with talent shows – showing up and sharing your gift with the world takes courage! This week we explore joyful support through fun talents and party tricks. Joy Happenings Sara’s Secret Talent Sara is going to share a secret talent. Ok, not a…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: You’re a Super Hero, We’re your Sidekick

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! My family loves superheroes. On a daily basis, we talk about Spidey and his Amazing Friends, the Hulk, or my favorite, Wonder Woman. It’s to the point that last night during dinner, my husband started playing a song, and before it even registered with me, my 3-year-old daughter yelled out, “Batman!” It brought my husband so much joy because his favorite is Batman. This week, our joyful prompt is asking about what superpower…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Beginnings, Endings, and a Challenge

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! Life is about beginnings and endings, and this week we are feeling that hard. As season 2 of No Shame in The Home Game comes to an end, we are thinking about the bittersweet nature of endings. There are so many photos of the end of the school year and graduation that it’s definitely bittersweet for parents. We see you – whether it’s a good or bad ending, we can always count on a new beginning coming next (like our call for…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Get Recognized, Lucky Socks, and Transformation

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! This week, we had a significant realization about one of the things that we genuinely want you to get out of The Joyful Support Movement: To Feel Seen. Whether that is in a story we share or a step you can take, we want you to know your experience is valid, noticed, and you’re not alone. We don’t pretend to know your challenges or how to fix them all, but we want to be a safe space for them to exist. Our hope is that by being…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Beach Popsicles, Surprising Food Combinations, and Summer Prep

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! A message from Lacey – My son keeps asking me if it’s summer yet. Spring is my favorite season, but for some reason this year, I understand his desire for long summer days and the fun that can go along with it. Probably because I feel like the rain is never-ending here. I’m sure I will be annoyed with sweating so much in just a few short weeks. I will be daydreaming of beach popsicles until then. Anyway, let’s jump into our…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Tuesdays feel right, Lifelong Friendships, and Unrecognized Triumphs

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! Howdy, Friends! Quick housekeeping – The Joyful Support Newsletter will be hitting your inboxes on Tuesdays! Part of Joyful Support is setting ourselves up for success, and this change will set us up for more success (why are Mondays so busy?!?). Let’s jump into our Joyful Support Steps. Joy Happenings Last week, you started to hear more about Lacey’s story in this week’s Sharing The Middle. Specifically, growing up through the…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Family stories, Kid Like Wonder, and Salad drawers

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! Hello, Joy Enthusiasts! Quite a few of you are new here, and we are so excited to have you. We’re not going to dance around it; instead, we’ll jump right into working through the steps of Joyful Support together. Joy Happenings This week, Lacey continued her journey of hyping others and sharing stories. This led her to read a woman’s blog that included her late mother’s poetry and prose. It really touched Lacey and got her…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Smells, Chaos, and Bunnies (not all at the same time)

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! The weather is heating up and so are the expectations to do things! It can be so easy to want to do all of the outdoor stuff in one day and get overwhelmed (which… happened to Lacey). Enjoy the weather but remove all those expectations you may have for yourself. We’re just getting started! Lets jump into our Joyful Support Steps for the week. Joy Happenings Sharing The Mddl: Chaos Friend This past week on Sharing The Mddl,…
Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Baby Goats, Meal Challenges, and More!

Weekly Joy A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox! Hello from Sara and Lacey! We’re thrilled to have you join us in the Joyful Support Movement. This is our first official newsletter. Our hopes is that the newsletter is brief but has a positive impact on your week. Lacey and Sara are both near the path of the solar eclipse today and are deep into solar eclipse mania. Hopefully something magical, fun, or interesting happens, we shall see. Lets jump into our Joyful Support Steps…