Digging Deeper on 100 Things That Make Me Happy

With the downer that has been my past few week’s posts, and in honor of Support from The Mddl releasing this week, I thought I would look deeper at one of my exercises in it.

A few years ago, my sweet friend Zac challenged me to make a list of 100 things that Make Me Happy because I would often say the phrase, “that makes me happy.” I’ve made this list several times in my life and have added and deleted as my life changes. The beauty in it is how it trains your brain to look for these little things while you work on the exercise.

I thought I would take it a little further and take the first 10 items on my most current list and tell you more about them.

1. My children’s giggles

I mean… this one is pretty self-explanatory. My children have the best giggles in the world. If I had one word to describe both of my children, it would be joyful. They are both quick with a smile and love life. Our house is full of their laughter and giggles, and it is the thing I am the most proud of in my life.

2. My husbands smile

Joe can be a bit of a tough cookie occasionally. He can often come off as serious or not emotional at first, so his smiles often feel like little gifts for me.

3. The word sassy

It just sounds fun. I also always wanted to be sassy when I was younger. It is part of the reason I wanted curly hair (like my daughter’s that I am so envious of) because I thought girls with curly hair were sassy.

4. Someone getting something from a post of mine

Every once in a while I have a person will comment or interact with my posts to show that what I said, did, or showed, helped them in some way. It may sound silly, but it means so much to me.

5. My mom

No shocker here, I feel like half of my writings are a love letter to my mother. My mother is the perfect mother for me. Most of what I’ve learned about supporting and loving someone comes directly from how she loves and supports me. I am so lucky that I get to have her as my mom.

6. My bed

You’d think because I now spend most of my time in my bed, I would have lost my love for it. Nope. Not at all. I still love my bed. I feel truly safe and comfortable in it, which is something that I really cherish now.

7. Writing

Writing daily has saved my life the past 6 months. I don’t necessarily write at the same time every day towards a specific goal, but I write something for myself every day. Sometimes it is a sad poem. Sometimes it’s an outline of an idea. Sometimes it is just an email I am excited to send. I get to write. That’s remarkable.

8. Mascara

I have great lashes. Mascara is basically the only makeup I need to make me feel good. It is magic, and I appreciate it every time I put it on.

9. People talking about something they love

Give me someone telling me about a topic they love, and I will be enthralled for a long time. There is so much magic in someone being passionate about something that even if I don’t care about it, hearing why they love it will draw me in.

10. New episode of a podcast I love

There is something so intimate about podcasts. They’re people talking directly in our ear, telling us their stories, lives, and loves. Especially now that I have started my podcast, I actually feel closer to the podcasts I listen to because I understand how they are talking to me. (Not a plug for you to love my podcast—that’s later)

I encourage you to work on identifying the things that make you happy! Start to look for the little things in your world that make you happy.


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