Home Management for Neurodiversity home header

Your home deserves harmony, no matter who lives there

Home Management for Neurodiversity is a course designed to support those living in a household with neurodiversity. To support those with, or living with, executive functioning challenges that are leaving the home is a state of confusion and chaos. This three part course will walk you through: awareness, motivation and action on how to have a peaceful home.

You'll Learn To

Create attainable goals and a plan
Foster harmony with awareness, understanding and tools to success with neurodiversity

Understand executive functioning and its challenges in home management

Identify and use tools to manage your home with ease

Why Enroll?

It is normal to feel stuck in a complicated home management situation. This course will provide you with a safe space to feel validated in your journey and hear from experts in both home management and executive functioning. You will do the course along with Corie, who lives with neurodiverse family members and needed help problem solving.

There are always solutions, come try Home Management for Neurodiversity to find your solutions.

Home Management for Neurodiversity

Just the Course


One time Payment with Unlimited Access

Joyful Support All-In Member

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Features & Benefits

Included in the course

A preview of what to expect

Instruction Videos

Multi-Video Modules

To be able to work at your pace, we have three overall modules broken down into concepts to be able to complete at your own pace.


Activity Resources

Various handouts and activities for you to be able to identify what will work best for your home.

Ideas and Applications

Application to YOUR Home

Various ideas and applications to use in your home, not just theories. This is not a one size fits all solution, but one that can adapt to your individual home and values.

Get Started

Bring Harmony to your Home Today

We cannot wait for you to start to see how you can live your life with ease and spread more joy out into the world.

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