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I am too excited about Air Fryers 2 years too late

My parents got me an air fryer as an early birthday present (because I asked, they’re the best).

I’ve thought about getting an air fryer for a long time but always talked myself out of it.

Friends, I was wrong.

I finally pulled the trigger because of the accessibility of it. Being able to quickly roast something that doesn’t involve me getting out many pans, actually is a big deal for my current ability level.

I got it last night and I’ve used it 6 times today. Not an exaggeration. Granted its because I did two batches of my cauliflower wings (pro-tip, even if the whole wheat flower is out on the counter, still get the all purpose. It just isn’t as good), but still… did it.

I cannot wait for my roasted brussel sprouts.

Anyway, this is the one they got me and I liked it so here it is!


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