Is Love is Blind problematic?
Is Love is Blind a mess?
Do I think anyone but me will read this?
Am I still going to write about it because I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS?!
Season 4 of Love Is Blind premiered Friday, March 24th, with the first five episodes. Boy, are they a doozy. I am going to talk freely, so if you don’t want spoilers, now is the time to bow out.

Quick Thoughts
I’ll be honest, the first episode was a snoozer. I’m honestly the least interested in the Pods part of the show. I watch it because I need the context for later on, but I also fast forward past all of the long glances at the wall, the flowery words before the reveals, and basically any time people are “confessing their love.”
The past few years, the men have been awful. The women look like saints (albeit maybe low self-confidence saints), but saints nonetheless. This year, though… the men are meh, and there is a cast of female villains. When I looked on Twitter and TikTok, after feeling gross about watching Irina and Micah, I learned that the internet will very much take that topic on in detail. The Evil Stepsisters Memes say enough.
#LoveIsBlind Season 4 in a nutshell
— Bink (@DemonLlamaMama) March 24, 2023
The show really gets good when the couples see each other and head to Mexico. I will say, there seems to be a level of comfort upon seeing each other that tends to be a predictor of what I think will happen. Chelsea and Kwame HAD some sexual chemistry right away. Brett and Tiffany seemed to have an instant level of comfort. Jack and Marshall seemed like old friends testing the waters of dating. I also think Marshall (and probably Jack to be fair) may be able to have chemistry with a brick wall. The other two couples… well not so much.
Maybe I can’t judge them?
For the first time, I truly was trying to put myself in these individuals’ shoes, considering what it would be like to be in the situation they were in. As Kwame was having a WAY too close conversation with Micah, I was angry. Then I stepped back and thought… well, this man was single like a week ago. This person was someone he had a connection with… that mindset may be hard to shake. Also, Chelsea seems like a badass, and I could not understand the appeal of Micah over her (even though I will admit in episode one in the pods, I was like, “Oh, she seems bubbly and nice,” to have my mind changed because of her antics with Irina).
Then I realized, there is no way for me to even try to put myself in his shoes. One, because there is no way that I, as a Midwestern, mid-thirties, white lady who has been with her husband since 21, could totally put myself in his shoes. But also because I would never have gone on that show. I don’t mean that in a judgmental or malicious way; it wouldn’t be for me… plus, they’d never cast me.
I ended up having way more compassion for everyone… but Irina because man, she just seemed like the worst in pretty much every way possible. Zach dodged a bullet… even though he shot himself.

Who will make it
- Brett and Tiffany will make it. I feel like each season we get one solid yes couple.
- I am also weirdly pulling for Chelsea and Kwame, mostly because she seems super level-headed and will shape him up into the man he has potential to be.
My favorite couple for this season of #LoveIsBlind I want them to be married so BAD!!! 😭😭❤️❤️❤️ #LoveisBlind4
— Cola Del Rey (@Cola_DelRey) March 24, 2023
Who won’t
- I mean… Zach and Irina obviously. Bliss… please don’t let that man drag you into this.
- Marshall seems to be a bit more emotionally mature than Jack. That will be their downfall.
- Micah simply doesn’t seem anywhere ready to get married. Paul… is there!
Look forward to seeing what happens.
Reminder… my normal content is a bit more deep if you want to take a look.