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I had never heard of Human Design until a few weeks ago. Human Design is a complex system/chart based off the location and time of your birth. It combines aspects of many things like astrology and chakras to show how you were designed to operate in this life.

I consider myself woo-adjacent. This means that I am happy to listen to and take wisdom and knowledge from things that others would write off, and just accept them for how they can work in my life. I have tarot cards that I pull every once in a while that I then think about and consider, as if it were a journal prompt. I don’t think I am predicting the future, but I am taking the cards in front of me to then interpret the story they could mean in my life and the meaning I could take from it.

It’s fun having an extremely scientific/logically minded husband when I talk about these things because he rolls his eyes and moves on while I create stories or connections from what I see.

You see, I think I am more accepting of these because of my background in communication. A main idea or world view of an entire study of communication is that we create our world through communication. We have interactions with people, places, and things, which creates our reality. So, by this same logic, why would I not interact with these different views to see how they could positively shape my reality?

Manifestors be Manifesting

Turns out I have an energy type as a Manifestor in Human Design (I am not going to explain other types or go down the rabbit hole of this because it is intense, and I have a lovely coach I can refer you to if you’re interested). Manifestors are all about their ability to initiate and create. They do this by informing, communicating, and sharing. So… like exactly what I am doing right now with you reading this.

Told you its complicated

I have to be honest, this just feels right. I know it may sound crazy to some of you, but there are many of you who know me well. You know, I’m at my happiest when I get to create things. I love jumping into a new task or problem. As for informing – I literally picked my college major because I loved to talk! I want to make things happen without anyone telling me what to do.

If according to my type, I have an innate ability – no, I have been designed to share initiate what I want, so I am going to do that. Right here, right now.

The Mddl with Lacey, a Media Brand and Community

If what I love is writing, chatting, and sharing for my benefit and others, let’s make it happen. I want to build something that can accomplish all of these things, and maybe even make a living from it.

This has been brewing in my mind for a little while, but with all of my health complications and issues, I feel like I have to do it. You see, I don’t know if I can work in a traditional corporate type environment. When and how much I can work is unpredictable. Stress exacerbates my symptoms. Having other people rely on me to be able to work and be successful, probably is the most stressful thing for me (hello, I am a people pleaser), so creating an ecosystem where I can control that is crucial.

My vision has three key elements:

  • The Mddl Blog/Newsletter – I mean, you’re already here so, I believe, this one is self-explanatory. I am going to expand it a bit to be more beautiful and on my site. I can’t wait to show you.
  • Sharing The Mddl Podcast – I am already working with some remarkable women to help me set up Sharing The Mddl, where we have guests and experts come and share their middles and how they’ve learned from them. Launching January 2023, with a trailer coming in the upcoming weeks.
  • Embracing the Mddl Community – A space for my fellow recovering overachievers and perfectionists to come together and figure out the middle together. I don’t pretend to be an expert in what people need, but I do think together we can figure some of this stuff out. Launching some day after I nail down the first two.

There are other pieces I see down the road, like maybe a book or merch (I am daydreaming about certain phrases on sweatshirts). But for now, this is my road map.

So, how am I going to make money doing this?! Man, I am certainly trying to figure it out and do have some plans for exploring subscriptions, sponsors, and promotions. It is so important for me to do this in an authentic and ethical way that aligns with my values and beliefs. At the end of the day, my biggest financial goal is just to figure out how to make enough to cover my kid’s daycare because frankly, I cannot watch them by myself in my current state and that stuff is so expensive. Everything beyond that is icing on the cake.

If you’re thinking to yourself now, well, this sounds great Lacey, how can I help? First, thank you for making it this far and wondering that sweet question. Second, the biggest thing you can do for me now is what you’re doing – reading this! If you want to do more than that, make sure you’re subscribed, share with anyone else that you think would also like The Mddl, and share any other connections you think may be helpful. I cannot tell you how much I value every view this little space gets.

Thanks for sharing The Mddl with me so far, I can’t wait to do more with you.


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