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I am continuing my desire to be positive in the light of the grey days of January and February. Today, it’s an ode to a nap in the middle of the day.

I haven’t always been a napper, but now that I am one, I am a firm believer. It’s become part of my personal brand, enough so that my husband has suggested the title of my autobiography should be,

“And then I took a nap, the Lacey Tomlinson Story,”

Naps are now part of my routine because they need to be for my health. That doesn’t mean that I don’t still luxuriate at the moment that I crawl into bed for that afternoon nap.

So let’s talk about what makes that nap the best.

Prime Time Napping Conditions

I have strong opinions on this one, so let’s dive in.

Covers and Clothes

A nap is usually something that I want when I’m chilly. This means the best seasons for a nap are winter or fall. Additionally, I’m going to take a firm stance on as little clothes as possible. This may be controversial, as I know some people mark a nap by the fact that you’re wearing your clothes during the day. But in my opinion, there is nothing better than stripping down to your level of comfort and really cocooning in your blankets.

I know this isn’t always doable, please do not nap naked in public or on the couch.

Something about the set-up of just you and your sheets makes you cozy, and the nap becomes more luxurious.


I love the sun on my face in an afternoon nap. The feeling of the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the bed, and quality snuggling that comes from it is unmatched. Now, that being said, I know not everyone can sleep with light the way I can. If you need to wear an eye mask and use black out curtains, I understand. I actually use these headband headphones to be able to listen to my audiobooks or podcast while I drift off. If needed I make it into an eye mask.


However long it needs to be. This is scientifically not correct (everything says 15–20 minutes). I honestly don’t know how anyone does this. It just leaves me crankier and angrier.

The Permission to Relax

I think this is what I love the most. My brain is constantly going and moving. By laying down for a nap, I have announced to the world that I am going to relax. I am attempting to turn my brain off for a little while. There is a magic to it that I will always appreciate.

Even with all of that… naps do have some downsides.

The downfall of a nap

Look, I’m not going to pretend that naps are always a good idea. I’ll be honest and stay well, 50% of the time I wake up from a nap a worse person. I am groggy and grumpy, and often times I need to continue to lay well after I wake up. Writing that, I realize now it is probably because I loved the nap so much, I am mourning that it’s over.

Naps can be a gamble. But it is a bet I am always down for taking.

So, tell me – are you a napper? I find people have a visceral response to the question and I want to hear your firm stance.


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