In this brief update, I explain why I am taking a short, two-week break from podcast editing due to an unintentional creative block. I assure listeners not to expect new episodes until January 10th. I hint at some positive restructuring and rebranding happening with the podcasts, as both ‘Sharing the Middle’ and ‘No Shame in the Home Game’ will become part of the new ‘Joyful Support Network’. This exciting project has been developed by me and my partner Sara, along with future hosts, and will be launched at the start of the next year.

In the meantime, I express my gratitude for listeners’ support and encourage them to delve into the existing catalogue of episodes. Lastly, I hint at a bunch of exciting, pre-recorded episodes due to be shared in the new year after my break. All in all, this is a time to adjust and recharge before the new and exciting developments roll in the new year.

00:00 Introduction and Update

00:13 Taking a Break from Podcast Editing

00:55 New Year Plans and Rebranding

01:06 Launch of Joyful Support Network

01:41 Appreciation for Listeners

01:59 Looking Forward to the New Year

02:22 Conclusion and Holiday Wishes

For more No Shame In The Home Game:






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Welcome. This is just a quick update to let you know. What to expect where we're at, what's going on. So this is in both the sharing the middle and no shame, the home game feed, because your girl needs to take a break. From podcast editing. As much as I, I don't hate it. I can't. I do it. I'm having this unintentional. Block. That is just really getting in my way.. I'm going to take a step back for a couple of weeks and not beat myself up for nothing. I'm being able to edit. No new episodes. Until January. 10. Starting January 10th will have either new episodes is sharing the middle or no shame in the home game. I need to create some space, to be able to figure out the best way moving forward. And I think doing this will work I'm so excited for the new year. And I think this is part of the reason why I'm struggling in that. We're getting a rebrand here in that sharing the middle. No shame. The home game and a new podcast that we'll be launching are all going to be under the joyful support. Network. So this is everything coming from me and Sarah. And future hosts that lead into our joyful support model and everything that goes with it. The joyful support movement is launching in the beginning of the year, we don't have an exact date yet. And we're so excited for you to join us because Sarah and I have one had so much fun building it. But also, already gotten the whole. Out of what we're building, that we cannot wait to share. this is me just recognizing I only have the space for what I have. And thanking you for being along on this ride. For being a listener and showing up. And being a part of a space that I'm really proud of and that I can still. Be who I am. When it comes to my health, mental health productivity, all of that. Enjoy the holidays, the new year, whatever life looks like for you. And feel free to go back into the catalog because there's a lot of good stuff. We've had a year. Of the middle and I'm really proud of it. Lots of good stuff coming in the new year. I have a bunch of episodes that I've already recorded that are so good. And I'm so excited to share. I just got to take a little break. Happy holidays. And thanks again for sharing the middle with me.

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