March is Women’s History Month, and it also happens to be my birthday month. My birthday is the day after International Women’s Day. I like to joke that we celebrate all women, and then all of that good will and energy created me.

I started my podcast in December, and there were several women who I knew I wanted as guests, but I hadn’t made it happen yet. So, I started to think, why not make them a special series so I can highlight them? With March being Women’s History Month and my birthday, the phrase “Women Who Made Me” stuck in my mind. The idea brought me so much joy, and I always picture the GIF of women lifting each other up. I then wanted this to be something other people could get excited about.

Women in the Middle

The tie to The Mddl is clear to me, but I imagine it may not be as clear to other people. When it comes to Women’s History Month, we hear about all of these amazing and trailblazing women, but often, we hear about many of the same women.

There is a well-known phrase, “behind every great man, there is a great woman.” This shows how support is invisible work. Women have supported the trailblazing individuals in our society across time. Even more invisible has been the support of women of color, trans women, disabled women, and so many more women in the margins.

The women in my world (and myself) are probably not going to be in history books. But, man, they have made a world of difference to me. I imagine that is the case for most people. They are the women in the middle, the women who are not going to be in headlines, but are lifting everyone up. They deserve to be celebrated.

Some of My Women

You’re going to hear directly from some of the women who made me who I am as a person and who have made The Mddl happen on my podcast in March. I want to tell you about more women. The reality is that there are so many women who have made me that it is impossible for me to name all of them. So here are love letters to some of the different types of women in my world.


You’re going to hear from my mom and sisters, but there are so many other amazing women in my family. From strong grandmothers to sister-in-laws who are more like sisters, aunts who are not only fun but show up for me, cousins who felt like best friends, and nieces who amaze me every day. When you have a big family like I do, it’s hard to truly give justice to every individual. They truly are phenomenal and full of so much unconditional love that it is unfathomable.


I have always been a girl’s girl, not necessarily girly, but someone who just loves the wonderfulness of female friendship. I am not necessarily the best friend, but I would like to think I am an easy friend. I think that because I can see across my friendships that there are so many different, interesting, kind women who I have the pleasure of calling a friend. I love to see them flourish, and man do they.


When I think of women who made me, a laundry list of Language Arts/English teachers comes to mind. Several weren’t even my actual teacher, I just seemed to always connect with them naturally! From my third-grade teacher who wrote me a note that I will never forget, to my college professors who I like to now think of as my friends, these women have made me so much of who I am.

I think it is pretty obvious why I was voted teacher’s pet as my high school superlative.


Most places I have worked have been filled with women. From my work moms as an intern to the amazing women I am meeting now in my entrepreneur journey, women have supported me in my career pursuits. They have given me a sense of belonging that I value beyond a paycheck. Many have transitioned into the friend category beyond the office, which brings me so much joy.

There are so many other women in places that have supported me (special shout out to the amazing women who have helped take care of my children). I am in awe of how much my life is made better by women in the middle.

My Hope

Take a few minutes and celebrate the women in the middle who have made you. They all deserve a flipping parade. If you’re a woman reading this, chances are you also are a woman who helped make someone.

Thank you for the support you constantly provide. You make this world a better place.


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