Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Beach Popsicles, Surprising Food Combinations, and Summer Prep

Weekly Joy

A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox!

A message from Lacey – My son keeps asking me if it’s summer yet. Spring is my favorite season, but for some reason this year, I understand his desire for long summer days and the fun that can go along with it. Probably because I feel like the rain is never-ending here. I’m sure I will be annoyed with sweating so much in just a few short weeks. I will be daydreaming of beach popsicles until then.

Anyway, let’s jump into our Joyful Support Steps!

Joy Happenings

Sharing The Middle wrapped up Lacey’s conversation with her lifelong friend, Emma. It got pretty deep, and it was the most vulnerable she’s ever been.

The Mddl officially moved to the JSM Website – you can find all the posts here!

Joyful Prompt

What is a food combination that sounds weird but tastes surprisingly amazing to you? You can comment on the post on social media or use the #joyfulsupport hashtag!

We can’t wait to try it!

No Shame In The Home Game

It’s hard to believe, but we are getting to the end of season 2 of No Shame in the Home Game. We wrapped up Ashley’s story this past week.

Up on the site this week, we have Sara’s advice to prep for summer along with a packing template (in pdf and Notion format!).

As we wrap up this newsletter, we want to remind you of the joy that can be found in every day. If you ever need a trusty sidekick to help you do that, we are here and ready!

Now go out there and spread joy.


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Not a member of the village – no problem! Come spread joy and learn to live with ease with us.

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