Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Clothing Memories, Family Fun, and Ruffle Skirts!

Weekly Joy

A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox!

Clothes are important because we give them value. We get to pick clothes that feel like us. Different clothes can bring out different sides of you. This week, we are looking at how we can create joy around our clothes.

Let’s jump right in!

Joy Happenings

This past week on Sharing The Middle, Lacey had a conversation with her nieces to explore her role as an aunt. It ended up being a deeper conversation about the emotions and difficulties of changing family dynamics.

Also, a quick story from Lacey:

Lately, I can’t stop thinking about a specific outfit I wore as a kid. It was a cream/yellow vest with black printed wide-leg pants. I felt amazing in that outfit when I was about 8. Put hot rollers in my hair, and I felt like I could take over the world.

I’ve made it through years of skinny pants to now seeing versions of this outfit back in style. I keep putting these modern versions in my cart but can’t seem to bring myself to buy them. I don’t want to ruin the memory! I’m going to keep my dance of cart and delete, but let’s focus on the clothes we have that bring us joy…

This week, we want to know which of your clothes bring you joy. Describe the most ridiculous outfit or piece of clothing you own that you secretly love wearing.

Hanging in Sara’s closet is a beacon of joy: a skirt with multi-colored ruffles that is almost guaranteed to make you laugh, either with her or at her. She honestly doesn’t mind which. She purchased it to wear when volunteering at a triathlon as a way to bring joy to the athletes giving it their all. Now, she seeks out occasions to bring out the joy skirt to make that joy ripple flow.

We want to know! Tell us on social media by tagging @JoyfulSupportMovement or #joyfulsupportmovement. You can also chat about it in the Village or just shoot us an email back with yours.

Clothing easily floats into our lives, but not as easily flows out. It takes intention and time to maintain our wardrobes. Sara’s written Clothes Management 101 over on the blog.

Let us know:

What home items are you always on the lookout for? We have lots of recommendations and want to make sure we are highlighting what you need. Reply to this email and we will add it to the list.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the joyful world of clothing. Remember, it’s not just about what you wear, but how it makes you feel. Embrace the pieces that bring you happiness and let them shine.

Now go out there and spread some joy!


Chat about this in the village! Ask questions, brainstorm ideas, or share your experiences.

Not a member of the village – no problem! Come spread joy and learn to live with ease with us.

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