Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Fiction, Musk Oxen, and Bears

Weekly Joy

A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox!

This week we are embracing and exploring the joy of fiction. There is something so fun about getting lost in another world can be so magical and full of joy. So to jump of this week we want to know:

Joy Happenings

This week on the blog, Lacey makes the case for having the joy of a beach read all year long. TLDR – Read whatever you love no matter what and don’t let shame stop you.

Another beautiful part of fiction is discovering other people’s love of the same thing. Being able to talk deeply about something you love with another person who gets it is magic. Its one of the reasons why I love a Comic-Con type event – there are so many people sharing what they love and you can feel that joy.

Don’t be afraid to share your story of what you love and why – its one of the wonderful ways we can use stories to make connections and spread joy.

If you could have any fictional character as a friend, who would it be? We figured it’s only fair to share ours.

Lacey would definitely have to go with Leslie Knope from the TV Show Parks and Rec. She has so much in common with Leslie but also loves how fiercely Leslie loves her friends. Lacey would love to be called a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox daily.

Sara finds joy from the fictional characters in The Golden Compass series that have talking animals that are paired with them from birth. The dream scenario of a. being able to talk with animals and b. having one that is always with her is a fictional dream come true! Although she is undecided on exactly what type of animal would be paired with her. A bear seems a bit cumbersome, but delightful.

In this past week’s episode of No Shame in the Home Game, Lacey and Sara get deep into what a clothes chair is, how we use them, why they’re perfectly acceptable, and some of the nitty gritty logistics of laundry.

Want to be a participant on Season 3 for No Shame in the Home Game? Fill out this form by Friday and you can get some free Sara support for 3 months while we share your story.

As usual, we hope that you have an amazing week and love the heck out of whatever fiction you are consuming. Don’t hesitate to reply with some of your fiction favs – we are always looking for more recommendations.

Now go out there and spread some joy!


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