A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox!
This week we get back to some basics; sharing your story, finding your joy in the hardest of times, and taking a step by asking a question.
Joy Happenings
Sharing our story can be unfamiliar to some, so here is a jump starter if you need it.
Sharing your story does not mean getting stuck in your story. It means getting clear on what is happening.
Start by: identify what you are feeling (physical feelings, emotions).
Next, can you get clear on what caused these feelings? Not in a blaming way, but more of a clear facts. Example: When a friend didn’t show up to our coffee date, I felt lonely.
If we can clearly see what the situation is and how it is impacting our present moment, then we can start to move through it.
“If you are going through hell, keep going.” -Winston Churchill
At first glance this is not a joyful quote. But, if you go beyond the surface you will see how this embodies so much of the Joyful Support Movement.
‘If you are going through hell’- life happens, it isn’t always roses. Accept what is going on in the moment and that your story is valid.
‘Keep going’- Take a step. You have agency to move forward.
During some of the darker days in Sara’s life, this was the only thing on repeat in her mind. It did bring solace to acknowledge things were a big bowl of suck. It brought inspiration to keep going. This mantra motivated Sara to focus on the smallest of moments and movements to move through the toughest of times.
What is a quote or mantra that motivates you and brings positivity into your life? Respond to us here, post on social media tagging Joyful Support Movement, or share in the Village.
this little guy has to keep going, no matter how short the legs and tall the mountain
If you want to check out some of the items Lacey talks about when it comes to her home automation, you can find many of them listed on this Amazon List.
Wherever you are right now, you can be a part of the joy ripple. Practice getting clear on your story, or help a friend learn how they can do it. Find a mantra that fits what you need today to boost your joy, or help a friend find theirs. And always know you have a safe space for questions.