Your Weekly Dose of Joy: Velociraptors, Dogs on Skateboards, and Secret Talents.

Weekly Joy

A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox!

We adore talent shows. The purity of sharing what comes naturally to you and knowing it may bring joy to others is some good clean fun. There is also a level of bravery that comes along with talent shows – showing up and sharing your gift with the world takes courage!

This week we explore joyful support through fun talents and party tricks.

Joy Happenings

Sara’s Secret Talent

Sara is going to share a secret talent. Ok, not a talent, more of a party trick. Sit down and hold on to your hats.

She can impersonate a velociraptor (ignoring all scientific knowledge and making a broad assumption of what one would sound like). Her favorite memory was during winter finals her junior year in college. She was living with six housemates and everyone’s nerves were frayed from studying and wanting the semester to be over. She perched on the banister, arms drawn in, and then exploded her body out as she called out like a saucy little dinosaur.

The ridiculous trick broke the tension and started a cascade of laughter that reset the mood in the house for the day.

What is a story of when you used a talent to make others feel good? Respond and let us know!

Joyful Prompt

Take a moment to think of your special talents and party tricks. How could you share them with someone else today and spread joy?

Or have you seen a special trick/talent by someone else that amazed you? Reach out and let them know how captivated you were by them playing the piano with their toes.

Our unique abilities are an area where we can bring so much joy to the world.

You can comment on our joyful prompt post, share it in The Village, or post it on your own social media with the hashtag #joyfulsupportmovement.

Using your Talents

In the cataloging of your unique skills, are there any that translate into making life smoother?

When Sara works with clients in their home, she focuses on what comes easily to them and uses that skill set applied to areas in their home.

It’s easy to see when things are not going smoothly, and what skills we don’t have that others might. But take a moment to reflect on what does come naturally to you. We all have things we are good at, sometimes we just don’t realize it.

Make a list of things that come easily to you – your skill set. If you aren’t sure, then ask your friends and family. It may be fun to hear from them what they see as your strong suit!

If you want to dive deeper, consider using the free Pain Point Locator to take stock of what is going on in your home and how to use your special skills to make life easier.

We hope you have had a joyful laugh or two thinking of your own, or someone else’s, special skills and party tricks. They do have a purpose and they can make the world just 1% more joyful!

Now go out there and spread some joy!


Chat about this in the village! Ask questions, brainstorm ideas, or share your experiences.

Not a member of the village – no problem! Come spread joy and learn to live with ease with us.

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