Your Weekly Dose of Joy: You’re a Super Hero, We’re your Sidekick

Weekly Joy

A little bit of Joyful Support directly in your inbox!

My family loves superheroes. On a daily basis, we talk about Spidey and his Amazing Friends, the Hulk, or my favorite, Wonder Woman. It’s to the point that last night during dinner, my husband started playing a song, and before it even registered with me, my 3-year-old daughter yelled out, “Batman!” It brought my husband so much joy because his favorite is Batman.

This week, our joyful prompt is asking about what superpower you’d select, and it got me thinking about how we all have our own superpowers, and how those powers are what we tap into for joyful support.

So this week, the whole newsletter will be superhero-themed, (mostly because it brought me joy) but also about how we can use the ideas to engage in Joyful Support.

Joy Happenings

What’s your superhero origin story?

Every hero has a journey to endure. You may be at the beginning of the trail, in the middle fighting a dragon, or at the end looking back on how far you have come. No matter where you are right now, how can you look at your journey and frame it as a hero’s journey? How can you reframe your struggles as part of the dragon every hero battles on its way to growth? Or maybe you befriend the dragon, the story is yours!

Lacey is working on hers – and we think you should do the same!

Joyful Prompt

As a superhero, what power would bring you the most joy? Flying so that you never need to deal with traffic again. Magical spells to have laundry and dishes done in a flash. Dreaming is free (and fun!), so dream up your joyful superpower and share it with us.

You can comment on our joyful prompt post, share it in The Village, or post it on your own social media with the hashtag #joyfulsupportmovement.

No Shame In The Home Game

Superheroes are always training and improving. While I don’t expect any of you to go out and start doing Arrow’s pull-up ladder exercise, I do think taking a step is your way of training and improving your superpowers.

Even heroes get help every now and then (don’t most of them have a super awesome sidekick?!). So take a step in your hero’s journey by picking a step from one of our offerings.

We would love to be your trusty sidekick!

There are no loyal citizens to save, but when we show up for one another, we are taking steps to be each other’s heroes. Remember, it’s not fair to compare Aquaman in a desert to Superman, just like how it’s not fair to compare yourself to someone else in a different situation.

Whether you decide to keep going with your superhero journey or just try it on for a moment, we thank you for trying something new in your joyful support journey. Keep trying and keep showing up. With or without a cape 😉

Now go out there and spread some joy!


Chat about this in the village! Ask questions, brainstorm ideas, or share your experiences.

Not a member of the village – no problem! Come spread joy and learn to live with ease with us.

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